Do It Because You Want To


My little niece wanted to learn to play the violin, she insisted that she wants to join music classes right away. Her mother thought it was a great idea. Nonetheless, when I asked her why she told me the girl who plays violin in her school play is very beautiful.

Have you ever done something because others are doing it or because it is trendy? This would be common among teens and preteens as they are at that point in life when they desperately seek acceptance from peers.

However, as adults, we do not do things because our friends are doing it or because this is the latest trend. Watching people randomly do stuff because they found someone else doing it makes me wonder what these people are thinking.

I am not even joking, you may also have come across such people in your life. They get into something then leave it halfway because they figured out that this task that they got into even though it seemed interesting at first didn't really turn out as they expected it to be or because they found something else more interesting to do.

Rolling stone gathers no moss. I think that may be great for the pebbles, I love clean pebbles. However, for us humans, if we just flit from one task/idea to another without thinking, planning, or having measurable goals we are just wasting time and most possibly wasting our life.

We don't have to be in a race all the time. This is something people really need to understand. Life isn't a race. The only person you could be competing with is yourself and that too only to become a better you today than who you were yesterday.

People around us do what they like to do or what suits them. It's a personal choice they make. Jumping into something for competition's sake may kill whatever goal orientation there is in you and you may end up regretting your decision. Besides it snuffles out your uniqueness as a person, your rational thinking, and your freedom to make choices.

A life of regrets is not a very pleasant one, life brings enough troubles of its own why add unnecessary ones to the bag? We being our only competitor don't have to try to prove anything to anyone. We need to believe in ourselves and do what we have to do with zeal and gumption. We need to work towards manifesting our dreams and desires in real life.

Do your own thing, live your own life, trying to live/fake the lives of others is not worth the effort. You are a unique person. Your interest and desires are unique as well. Respect your uniqueness and treasure it, expand it, make it grow and you will find others valuing your uniqueness.

I have a story I'd like to share here. I have a young friend who is kind of eccentric. However, of late I've noticed that she has been acting even crazier than she usual. A little heart-to-heart with her helped me understand that her peers jeered and mocked her calling her mad she decided to annoy them by acting even more eccentric. In the process, she was all the more lonely, unhappy, and rebellious. It's important to know that there is a fine line between originality and eccentricity. So make sure that you don't cross over.

Impulsive behavior or plain crowd following may not bring the results you are looking for as an individual. Think, plan, weigh your strengths and weaknesses before you get into something. Make sure that each decision you make is uniquely you, it takes you in the direction of your goals. it is completely yours, even though you may have been inspired by someone.

Do your own thing. Your life is your own. Live it like you own it, leave your seal of originality in everything you do.

Thanks for taking the time to read.

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Sometimes in our lives we find ourselves living the life of others, not truely knowing or fully understanding what we want or our initial intentions.

We are forced to do things without even having the passion for them, not because you want to but because you don't even realize that you are living for another person.

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I wish this would be heard. People are so now into becoming the next Barbie instead of thinking on what they have drive and passion for.

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Thank you so much @teknon. Sorry for the late response.

No problem dear😊

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A great thought provoking post,

Thank you @tattoodjay

Most welcome 🤗

Most welcome 🤗

You're so right! It's just like Oscar Wilde said, "be yourself, everyone else is taken."
We just have to learn how to blaze our own trails rather than trying to walk in the footsteps of others.

Absolutely, Thanks for sharing the quote. we are called to be trail blazers and trendsetters.