How Social media changed our lifestyle..

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

Social networks have drastically changed the way we live and perceive the world...

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According to the Digital In 2021 report that they made public in April of this year; at least 4,330 million people around the world make use of the internet, thus making it clear that the era of digital transformation has changed the way we live, relate to our peers, educate ourselves; even to work.

This era has also been charged with transforming the way we do business; Due to this, a large number of companies have chosen to use social networks, which allow creating an identity, marketing and selling. Actions that give them space and special memory in their clients.

Due to the high number of users that exist, accompanied by other factors that favor it, companies have noticed the success of social networks, which is why they have classified them as the perfect key to be successful when undertaking within the world digital...

Despite these wonders that social networks bring us, we must also be attentive to the negative effects they have when they are used improperly
The tools that social networks have allow us to have closeness to people and global reach of everyone, however, there are several factors that affect proper use.

It has been shown that as we progress in technology, specialists say that the day to day does not improve, but affects it.

An example of this can be seen with the arrival of the plasma television; The size and resolution of these screens are so high that those who do not have adequate distance have developed vision problems and this is caused by the amount of light that the eye receives without adequate protection.

The same thing happened at the time when smartphones appeared; The fear of leaving aside social life, family, friends or partner made themselves felt, but the fun that these electronic devices bring us is sometimes greater.

If there is something that we are clear about, it is that a TV works as a source of entertainment, it also allows us to be informed of the events that happen around the world, it also contributes to educate ourselves by giving us pleasant tours of places we have never been.

What cannot be hidden in this era of digital transformation that we are having is that the attachment to the smartphone cuts the distance we have with our loved ones who are in other latitudes and with its use, we obtain the information we need from them by keeping in touch.

We must be clear that in no way, the responsibility for the misuse of technology corresponds to the digital innovation that we are experiencing because a telephone, television, internet or social networks are not to blame for the inappropriate use that people are giving it .

Among other things, the proper use of social networks made it easier for us to work and thanks to it, it is known what teleworking is like and in some cases, this practice improved the lifestyle of people who were suffering from a disease and I could already work in a company.

Despite this wonder that they bring us, it is important to note that sometimes they are demonized by blaming them that thanks to their arrival, it has also been a reason to generate many dismissals but I keep saying that we should not blame the internet for the misuse that certain people of it. can give.

In conclusion, the problem does not lie in the existence of social networks, but in how we are using them, so I consider that to evaluate how much time we dedicate to them, we keep track of hours per day and if it exceeds 8 hours, we would be before a damaging attachment that we can correct and thus no longer remain slaves to them....

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Technology has helped a lot in redefining life generally.... Social networks has really helped to keep us busy so many times but the way we handle the social network depends on us... So the problem lies not in the social network but in the handler.....@gocada.

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