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RE: Convince me I wrong - Businesses should have the ability to refuse service if you are unvaccinated

in Proof of Brain4 years ago

I'm not sure how to vote on this because you take no position, for or against...

Personally I'll be ceasing all trading with any business that is onside with this.

And that will be perminant.


I'm not sure how to vote on this because you take no position, for or against..

Exactly the same here

Posted via

I would hope that you would upvote? This post is purposely not taking any position in order to elicit conversation.

What lead to that decision? If things change and the mandate is lifted would you consider returning to that business?

No they sold out to the agenda so I will support people who are smarter than that

just downvote @verite they are a pro communist canadian bot here from some news agency or george soros, to try and convince people to take some injection

he's probably PAID money for every person he can sell the big pharma drugs to (the covax shot)

who wants to call anyone who doesnt get a big pharma mrna injection some sort of "anti vaxxer" like hes in 2009 fighting alex jones fans or something YAWN

So who's the fascist now? Love how the baseless claims are fabricated much like many of the anti-vaxx theories. Why would I need a pharma connection to do the right thing? It's just incredible how ignorant and insensitive people can be when it's not you or someone you know or love. Isn't it amazing that ignorance and denial still exist... you know it's 2021? Vaccines should not be what we need to help people understand and help people with during a pandemic.