In 2002, I had already spent 4 years on the internet researching health (back when a huge portion of the internet was cutting edge content) - so when I found out why I felt so bloody terrible (a golf ball sized brain tumour) I knew I had two choices, lamb to the slaughter, or heal myself.
On the other side of the coin, in 2012, when my leg was really messed up from an accident, a surgeon did an amazing job rebuilding it. I'm very grateful for that.
Good as new!
Yes there is no doubt that surgery and some surgeons are the good part of modern medicine. Problems occur when they oversell it tho. Yes it's needed in certain cases and mostly very well done these days. Normal illnesses and maladies tho, they have NO CLUE and are best avoided.
Is that your leg? Wow, you must have had a pretty bad accident. I am glad you recovered and had a good surgeon. Yes, surgery can be quite effective and giving back some of the quality of the life before the illness.
My relative has had several bypasses and reports how much better he is since then. But of course there are such and such stories in this field too. An elderly client whom I counseled for many years suffered from unspeakable pain after a back operation and a doctor had signalled to him that the operation had been performed incorrectly.
Thank you for mentioning your other illness, plus something that probably scares most people a lot. It is important to learn that apart from modern medicine, those who reject it do not die but find ways to overcome what is now commonly accepted as a death sentence.
I am glad having found this little group, I know not much people in real life who share my notions in this regard.