Run like Forrest Gump

in Proof of Brain3 years ago (edited)

I don't know exactly how to start this testimony, but basically, the message I'm going to give you is: GO FORWARD, and if you feel like you're being a muggle MOVE FORWARD!
But of course, this will only work if you have a goal and are already putting it into practice. I say this from experience, I recently started studying graphic design in order to earn extra income without leaving home.

And man, it hasn't been easy for me, apparently I have a hard time learning anything that requires using software. In short, I've tried a lot of things and the most recent has been graphic design. Yesterday I spent about 4 hours studying and practicing, there were times when I almost pulled my hair out of my head, today I went to apply what I had learned, but with a new technique, and dude everything went very well, and in less than 2 hours.

If you really want something, do it. "Oh but I don't feel stimulated enough."
So close your eyes and imagine that in two months you will be broke, or that the person you love the most is in need of health insurance. This will certainly be your best fuel, it works more than an injection of pure adrenaline.

Thinking about the bills is a pain in the ass, going out to eat but being afraid of spending too much is also a pain in the ass. Taking a short walk every couple of months or just on vacation from work, every year is a pain in the ass. And this is the life that many leads, this is the life that I'm trying to escape from, and for that, I need to be some kind of madman who is chasing the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. And the big joke is THERE IS NO RAINBOW, and the pot of gold will be empty. So take the pot and keep looking for the gold because eventually, you'll find it.

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We all need something to motivate us to keep pushing no matter what

For me, it's always the idea of having wait upon someone to provide for me

I hate that thought, I do not want to be a burden to anyone

So it pushes me to do more no matter how much I want to feel discouraged by a setback

How is your graphic design training going? I hope you are getting comfortable with working with softwares now?

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You just took this words from my mouth

it's always the idea of having to wait upon someone to provide for me

The thought of having to wait on someone before I can get or do what I want scare the hell out of me.

The thought of having to wait on someone before I can get or do what I want scare the hell out of me.

Sweetheart.... We are both dancing to the same tunes..... 😩

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Good to know I'm not alone.

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Good to know I'm not alone.

Yeah 😊

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I've been studying a lot and that's why I disappeared for 20 days, lol but I plan to get more active, thanks for asking

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I've been studying a lot and that's why I disappeared for 20 days, lol

Hahaha...You can disappeared for more days if that will you help you accomplish the tasks you have at hand.

but I plan to get more active,

I'll see you around then

thanks for asking

My pleasure ☺️

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Great way to motivate yourself.
I think I'll apply the same method to use anytime I find myself in the same situation as yourself.

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