It's a dog's world out there... - POB Storytelling Contest #3

in Proof of Brain3 years ago (edited)

Hello everybody!!! So, here is the third round of storytelling! So many good stories were told, and we are starting a new one now! But before I announce the winners, I want to share some things with you.

First of all, I'm sorry about not commenting in most of the posts from the contest. This week was crazy at work, so I only had time to upvote and share your posts. And with this, I also tell you the second thing: We are changing the rules for the contest, engaging is not a step to win the prizes.

Why? I feel that many of us don't have a lot of time here, and it also takes a good time to write a nice story. If someone like me, that gave priority to post this week instead of commenting, but made a really good story, should I be penalized for it? Does having more time to be online a good reason for a story to win over the other? I feel that it's an unfair measure, and also unfair for early and later posters. If I post on the last hour, and comment on all of the posts, should I be the winner? Well, I think you all got what I mean, so from now on, no more engaging required (but always apreciated) for this contest.

So let's go! This week was not an easy one, but all the entries were awesome!!! These are the winners!

Well, this was basically a book! Full of suspense, drama, vengeance, and a lot of lasers blazing! Excellent work! And If you ever translate it to Portuguese, tag me on it so I can give you a big upvote for the effort!

We all like a story with a happy ending right? Maybe not as happy as @nevies, but still it was good to see all the references from the original story to be used in so many details! Another great story from you!!!

I loved the fact that you continued writing exactly after I left, and it was a good read too! And left us wanting to know more!!! What was that force? Where did the asteroids come from? Good work!

  • And for @nevies, @sheila23, @genepop and @profeyris7 thank you so much for taking part in this contest! You all wrote some great stories, and it was a hard decision to make for me, but I felt that in some parts there was not a great flow or connection with what came before. I'll still send you 20 POB for participation!

And now, let's go to this week story!

POB Storytelling Contest #3.png

Every week I'll start a story, and you have to finish it. You can add as many characters as you want, can take the story any way, can add that marvelous plot twist to blow our minds! You just have to follow this rules to participate:

  • The post must be from the POB front-end
  • You have to write at least 300 words
  • You have to quote the beginning of the story in your post (so people can understand the story)
  • You have to use the tag #pob-storytelling
  • The deadline for your post will be 4 hours before the payout of this post

The winners will be chosen by me, with the following criteria:

  • Following all rules
  • Creativity
  • Flow of the narrative
  • Overall structure of the story

The first prize will be 100 POB, second 75 POB and third 50 POB. It's not a lot, but I think is a good start. As you can see, we don't have the comment rule anymore, so try to be extra creative! And also pay attention to the flow of your story!

So, without any further due, here is the story!

Brownie was the definition of a couch dog. If you look couch dog on Wikipedia, you'll probably find a photo of Brownie on it. He was the most lazy dog in the world, and would only get out of the couch for two reasons: Food and his yellow ball. Of course he would go outside when nature called, but besides that, only food and yellow ball. His owners would hide the yellow ball from him, because we was really addicted to it, but from time to time they would toss it around and make him run a little bit.
One day, while he was playing with the ball, his owner went outside to get the mail. On his frenzy for the ball, it slipped from his mouth and went right through the door. Brownie didn't think twice and went after it, running like a mad dog to catch his precious ball. Unfortunately, the ball went to the street, got hit by a car and was sent flying away to the end of the street, where another car hit it and sent it even further. Brownie was not going to give up and ran as fast as he could to catch it, but the sweet moment he bit the ball, the sour reality hit him: He was now lost, away from home and his couch! So the first thing he did was...

Now it's up to you!!! Keep the story going, and have a lot of fun!!!!


I hope you like this ideia! Next week I'm think about going personal or going mad. Who knows? You have to check it out!

Thanks for reading until here!!! See you soon!
Keep posting and keep shining!





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What a happy and honored friend to share the podium together with @ paulo.sar and @racemlaadhar

I also want to extend my congratulations to @nieves @genepop @ sheila23 and @ profeyris7, I'm sure it will be a matter of time to see them in the top positions.

It is possible that tomorrow or the day after I will publish the second edition of #POBNEWS, I am just coordinating some ideas with @caluman, and surely this will be one of the contests that I will mention.

So that as the weeks go by there are more entries, so we will have the opportunity to read many more great stories!

Greetings and Thanks @fireguardian!

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Happy for you buddy ! It was a Great competition,
Really intense and extremely exciting.
Congratulations @paulo.sar on The first place.
And Good luck to you all in the upcoming participations

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Congratulations to the 3 winners, they were incredible stories and loaded with many good stories with a high degree of coherence and coordination.

Also thank you very much @fireguardian for your generous gesture, they are the first Pob that reach my wallet, and I must confess that it feels great.

Sorry for not answering in all the posts, days ago I was reading something about R / C and voting power, and although I did not understand it much, if I mentioned the fact that each action subtracts a power, that's why you have to raise the HP.

Little by little I am getting more information and I thank you again for the award.

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congratulations @profeyris nice to see how little by little the acquisition of experience is paying off, it was a good entry.
And little by little your HP will increase and you will have a greater possibility of interacting in the community!

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Eyy, congratulations to everyone and thanks a lot @fireguardian.

I like your decision on the engagement thing, but I'd like to suggest that engagement is not left alone completely, how about a separate ranking for engagement? Or even if there is no ranking, just a bonus shout out and small rewards for engagement?😊

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Thanks for the nomination!! It's nice to see that a lot of people made stories about the idea, I don't think I read everybody's work, but the works that I read are nice.

I will post a Portuguese version too, I didn't do it because the post will become longer than already was, and that would be annoying.

Now, this week's contest is a bit different, I will see what I can do, but I want to write something for the sake of training, I believe this will help in my journey to write my "book".

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Congratulations to the winners and contestants. Hope to participate in this new contest. Wonderful initiative @fireguardian

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The contest keep producing alot of wonderful stories...what an awesome contest....@fireguardian

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Hey, my friend.

Did you notice that when removing engagement as the main issue of the contest, people didn't even bother to read and comment? And that before, it seemed that they felt obliged to do so.


I found several without comment, including mine.

Nothing against this type of attitude, but this only goes against the post I made a few days ago questioning the type of engagement that existed here. I can't do this alone because of my time, as you also know.

I believe this is a matter of taking a look at your @calumam contests too

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Yes, I reflected on your post (and sorry for not mention it) and decided to do this test. And as I can see, much of the engagement was just for "points". Maybe I'll do like nevies said (and calumam is already doing) to give a side prize for engagement.

To tell you the truth, I'm thinking about changing a few other things in this contest. Let's see where we go right?

Valeu por comentar meu caro!
E vamo que vamo!

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eu percebi que os quais eu recebiam era tudo por motivo exclusivo da regra

Apesar de ter pessoas que faziam belos comentários e isso tornou sadio, mas alguns eram forçados demais.

Mas foi o fato de tirar a opção como obrigatória que nada mais apareceu haha

Tem um horário/data limite? Esses dias as coisas estiveram corridas e não consegui sentar na frente do pc para escrever, a maior parte das interações foi pelo celular enquanto olhava crianças ou estava cozinhando algo(tipo agora).

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Meu bom, o horário limite são 4 horas antes do payout. Tipo 18h (acho)

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Grato pela resposta. Acabei postando(estava pronto desde ontem, só precisava ajustar umas coisas).

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Minha participação. Mesmo se não estiver valendo tudo bem, me diverti pra caramba fazendo.

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