Communities from POB vs LEO vs other blockchains

in Proof of Brain3 years ago


Do you need input? Hive has constructive criticism

Yesterday, it occurred to me how much more accessible POB's community is to business ideas. I was trying to come up with other low-budget, accessible, profitable stuff, when I realized POB's crowd would be the easiest target to whatever I decided to do. Whoever has a plan related to crypto, no matter what idea that is, you will find many people willing to brainstorm with you. Most importantly, you will mostly get the kind of feedback you'd expect from real users, not investors.

However, if you take your post to the LEO community, you will get (d'oh) mostly financial advice. People who have a lot of interest in the money side of things without actively using whatever they're involved with will react to your commercial theories. Is whatever you're doing attractive enough for these folks? Only if you get positive answers, You will know if you can get investors according to how many positive or negative comments show up.

I thought of talking about the Hive-only crowd, but this is too rare of a specimen IMO, so I'm going to skip straight to communities from other blockchains.

Now, the most important bit: how many other blockchains do you usually have conversations about? When you're a part of them, can people really get in-depth during a serious conversation? In my experience, no, most of them can't. They usually become too emotional because of being biased favoring their "pet" blockchain. Either that, or they are very inexperience in the technical and even in the user experience side of things. Let's call them "noobs". Those who can offer you serious feedback are super hard to find.

Why is this difference so big? It's because the Hive user base in general has to get their hands dirty. It's impossible to stay active in Hive without learning the ropes. That's meaningful because there are a lot of ropes to learn! Whoever you talk to who has a reputation of 60+ is very likely going to be someone whose opinion is at least somewhat reliable. So if you have a question to ask, look for a place to ask it no further than LEO and POB.

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"pet" blockchain.

That's funny. ☺

That's why I think we should collaborate with crypto community even more. The goal of @dcooperation community, I'm building is to learn how to collaborate with each other here, then move to collaborate with crypto community. Only that will make our blockchain, our tribes and even communities and maybe applications improve and be updated and more accepted in crypto community. That's really important thing in my opinion to open our minds more to crypto people, so they may join us here, we may join them there. They will learn from us and our blogging experience and we may learn something new from them.

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Mohammed goes to the mountain.

This is pretty perceptive.

Also, Hive (et al) is certainly the biggest blockchain that's main function is to talk about itself.

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True. And that's very important, considering how much is currently happening within it.

Lol what did they leofinance community do to you?

Whoever you talk to who has a reputation of 60+ is very likely going to be someone whose opinion is at least somewhat reliable.

I hinted on the value of reputation in my last post and the important role it plays on the hive blockchain.

Hive is a different beast. We have a handful of people who know their blockchain from a social and technical viewpoint making their feedback invaluable

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Lol what did they leofinance community do to you?

I only said positive things about leo's community.

last post

I'll check it out.


chuckles like a prepubuscent teenager

Lol...i have erred 🤭

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