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RE: How not to end it all : Life After Death Might Be Worst For Suicidal Victims: Covid-19 is not an excuse to kill yourself

in Proof of Brain3 years ago (edited)

In your post, you are explaining how "suicide techniques are usually adopted because they seem harmless, but that they are actually supremely painful and agonizing". Can you still write that explicitly, though? From a shallower perspective, people can feel you are only teaching others how to suicide, even if it's not your intention.

At the assumption of contracting covid, some people just commit suicide and that’s just it?

According to your sources, there is SO MUCH MORE THAN THAT! Trivializing all the different data from the sources you've sent me is... Well, insulting. Your title is clickbait, since you never even approach the problem you've presented. Scenarios involved in cases cited in those sources are very different from each other. Not a single person "killed themselves at the assumption they've contracted covid." This is a literal lie.

A quote from one of your sources:

High-profile suicides include a state finance minister in Germany who despaired over the virus’s economic impact in March

But you're saying he killed himself BECAUSE "HE THOUGHT HE CONTRACTED COVID?" SERIOUSLY!?!?? Did you really read through even a SINGLE article from those sources? Because ALL of them state the EXACT OPPOSITE!

also, you have a 3-paragraphs long duplicated part of your text

@onealfa.pob @proofofbrainio I know it's just one post but I feel obligated to pull your ears for upvoting this so high


Thanks, I have heard of a scenario where the guy flipped through the 3rd mainland bridge and drawn himself inside the sea below.
I’m working on writing a detailed article in connection to this article.

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according to the sources you've mentioned, most cases are connected with long-term symptoms. a lot of people never recover from their severe cases. because of serious aftereffects from covid, even after they're not in a life-threatening situation anymore, they can't think straight, their mind doesn't work, their lungs don't fill well, their health is completely crippled. they expect to recover over the course of a decade or two. they often can't even work anymore. they've stopped being able to live their lives. these are the people who were mostly healthy before contracting covid, survived the worst, but can't ever feel alive again.

according to the sources you've mentioned, some cases are connected with previous mental instability. these have nothing to do with what I've said in the paragraph above. people who are already depressed and have suicidal tendencies get these symptoms aggravated when suffering from covid infections - without even realizing it's because of covid. they twist it in their heads, making it seem like it's not covid, it's them. they kill themselves because their previously existing mental instability gets even worse.

these are the two main types of suicidal cases, according to your sources. your sources include clinical and sociological studies from seemingly reliable organizations. none of the sources you've linked to refer to people "killing themselves because they think they've contracted covid" as you said so yourself in your post. I understand it wasn't your intention, but due to this incoherence, your post does fall into fake news / misinformation category.

I must be honest with you, I agree with the poster and for him not writing exactly what you expect of him makes him more intelligent and better than you. Why are you hating on the lady?

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literal fake news

read my reply to her further below to better understand it

also if you think "someone is more intelligent and better than someone else" based on "not writing exactly what one expects of another" then it's not like I'll take you seriously. specially when you're trying to demean me. demeaning others for trivial reasons is a joke of an attitude... which I won't hear from you anymore since you're on my muted listed now