Saturday Savers Club Progress Report Week 33

in Proof of Brain3 months ago

This is my 33th week of the Saturday Savers Club. I am showing my weekly progress each Friday through such posts.

My original goal is : 5000 HP and 100 HBD. And my current numbers are : 2 HBD and 4183 HP.

Layer 2 coins are not building up. Some of those coins are kind of difficult to work with lately for me as I can't improve the investment. And also the way coins are meant to add up I am just struggling for the same. Like this month I was supposed to buy few but as of now the overall savings have not made me do that.

So here are some of the coins I have focused so far and more is on the way.


I recently converted more of the swap.hive into the DAB and also the amount of the DAB that I am holding needs to increase. So here's another thing to work around and another thing is that DAB is something to work over and also the way things are building such coins would be good. DRIP is another coin which is going to be in need for increasing there. I like how those two coins need to grow but are not yet growing.


BRO is a good token but takes forever to grow. Like the token requires a lot of cash in hand to buy. This would be another 2025 goal to go with as well. And also the DUO token which would be one which I wish to get for the 500 target. It would be slow but would definitely happening there as well. Let's build the the two tokens here for myself.

Hive Power

I have got so far the 4200 or something. I may have to plan for higher number of the hive power. If there is enough mana in my hive power that would help me reach the Dolphin Rank. It may not get things easier for the growth. Hive power takes forever to grow unless you bring in outside money. Which is kind of not easy. I would wait for hive to fall and build again.

HSBI Units

I have 209 units we have to understand we need to grow. And as the units keep on stacking up the vote would be adding too. So this is what I would be thinking for my growth with the HSBI. These days it is kind of difficult with the HSBI lately as the contest took a bit of break.

Polkadot, Ethereum, BCH and Altcoins

I don't have plans for the polkadot staking. But I would be buying some amount of Solana with it. I also need to hold the DASH too. But I don't have means to get them as of now as I don't have energy to spend time on LEO and do the chat all day. So other coins like Ethereum, BCH and the altcoins needs to be there too.

Life has been cruel and manipulative for me. So the time to grow was kind of slow and late too. So I made sure to make due of what I can and I kept on growing and that is what I could do in the grand scheme for myself.

That's it for this week, more updates next week. Don't forget to check my HSBI contest every Thursday!