
There might be many ways in which people take decision of their life but what i prefer to do while taking decisions are :

  • i have few trusted people with whom i discuss and ask for suggestions about what i am going is right or wrong.
  • once i have decided what i want to do i never back down.

Yes there are panics sometimes when the decision i take don't end up being beneficial to me but i have to face it because it was my decision.

How do you keep calm when you are afraid and not sure what to do?

I am actually not good at this and i only pretend that i am calm if or when i don't know what to do.

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You need to ask God leading you toward the right thing, so that you can overcome the panic.

You just have to calm down and think the right thing, you should not allow the tension to Punch you to take wrong step or what you will regret later .

You need to think twice before you take any step , you need to think about the advantage and disadvantage of your decision.

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Decisions are best taken with a peaceful and sane mind. Such decisions must be taken with proper analysis of the pros and cons.

But yes, you are right. Sometimes we have to take decisions in a haste. We don't really have much time to think through but whatever we think is best at that moment, we must go for it. Remember, there is always an equal probability of a decision going wrong or right. So don't be scared, just be positive and confident.

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When I'm afraid and I don't want to make the wrong decision. I seek advice from my partner or best friend. Since I am the one feeling the fear I believe they can be more objective in giving me the right advice. One thing I try not to do is make decisions when i'm in a state of panic, but if I really have to I do it in good faith.

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How do you keep calm when you are afraid and not sure what to do?

The old rule was "sleep on it". In other words postpone making a decision till you've had a good night's sleep. That often calms you down and you can think more clearly.

Nice question you asked and I believe not everyone of us knows how to handle panic the situation when they are afraid and judging by how anyone react to panic can prone the person to more danger or safety too if better Decisions were taken.

Before I take decision in such panic situation first thing I do is to first analysis my safety measures to know which decision among the thousand thought I have will keep me on a saver side.

Most people rush into action in taking quick decision without proper analysis of their safety. They gat to know is all about safety at that particular minute and not putting yourself to harm due to being afraid of your present situation.

The steps and method I take to keep safe whenever I found myself in a situation where I'm afraid and as a result I panicked over it the first thing I do is to take a deep breath from the mouth before taking further decisions.

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Just remember one can't be brave unless first they are scared.

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Making decisions are things I always do with a clear head and in a peaceful state as making the wrong one can alter certains things in one's life. When I am afraid, I focus on bring my thought to a state of calm and Bliss. Music often helps in thinking rightly and well.

Yeah I believe we all do too about the panic mindset. But it's how to control it that proves to be the difference. While some do certain awkward things and end up a making terrible decisions.

I always ensure to bring my mind under calm no matter the situation by focusing on the positives in life rather than letting fear have the upper hand. Having a deep breath or focusing on getting to sleep. That always help when I am in such situations. Pretending to be calm can actually also help one achieve calmness.

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