How To Pump Your Reputation Fast - Newbie Guide

in Proof of Brain3 years ago (edited)

Some of you may smile at the title of this post right away, some of you may smile after reading the post, IF there will be anyone willing to read it till the end. In any case, I want to put these thoughts on paper, as I think it may be important for a few of you. At least I hope so.

This is a topic that many newbies are interested in as I see many are gunning for high reputation right at the beginning of their journey. Today I decided to put together a few thoughts that may help you understand what reputation on Hive really means.

I've been dealing with newbies lately quite a lot. It hasn't been planned but as they say, it comes with the territory and I'm glad to do it for a good reason. I'm trying to guide them, see what their struggles are, help them start their journey on Hive the right way. It's been almost five years since I was a newbie, so I'm trying to put myself in their shoes and see Hive as they see it, in order to be able to understand where can I or other Hivers help.


Hive has a reputation system that is not easy to understand and can become frustrating at times. Every new account is credited with a reputation of 25. When you register, your reputation is automatically 25, so you're not starting from zero. I suppose it's normal to believe that reputation can only go up and a good post's votes may support that belief. In some cases a good intro post can catapult you to reputation over 40, maybe even more. Then you start looking around and see users with much higher reputation, some even over 80 and you think if you were able to get to 40 - 45 with a single post, 80 is not too far.

Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

Next, disappointment kicks in when you see your reputation is only trudging on and some find out that reputation goes both ways, up and down as well and 25 is not the lowest. You can go below zero if you deserve it. (Hive is to use, not to abuse.)

I remember when I was a newbie, rep 68 was huge back then! We were at the beginning and there were no such high reputations yet, as today. As any newbie, I was also looking at my reputation hoping to get it higher and higher. Some of the users used to do a post about their reputation every time they passed a milestone, maybe that's still a thing. I don't know.

What many don't know is that after each milestone, like 30, 40, 50 and so on, advancing in reputation becomes 10 times harder than the previous level. This is not a joke or exaggeration, this is how the system has been designed.

What is Reputation?

I suppose it could be a question of prestige for some as being among the users with the highest reputation could mean something, but it reality that number many call reputation serves for not much.

  • It means you've been on the chain for some time and you've gotten some votes to reach that level.
  • There are contests with certain requirements regarding reputation, to avoid allowing newly created fake accounts to participate and also to avoid rewarding users that have been on the chain for long.

But other than that, it has no purpose in my opinion.

I think it's important to note that not every reputation has been obtained organically. Back in the legacy chain we had bid bots, that allowed anyone go buy votes, which resulted in pump of reputation.

Reputation Still Matters

This may be confusing as I've just said that reputation is a useless metric and now I'm saying it still matters and I mean it. Reputation matters a lot, just not the one you've been focusing on.

Your reputation on the chain is not that number next to your name, but what you do on the platform and how you behave. That is your reputation and if you lose it, you have nothing. Trust me, we've seen it so many times already.

You can have the highest reputation and the biggest stake, but if you do something stupid, that number won't save you, nor your stake. We've seen old users with Rep over 77 plagiarizing, reposting content, because their only focus has been milking the reward pool. This behavior is not tolerated on Hive and you will still face the music.

Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash

How To Pump Your Reputation Fast

This seem to be the most interesting part many are looking for. So let's take it step by step. Many newbies see the platform as a blogging platform, which is not wrong, but Hive is much more than that. It takes awhile till one gets used to all the new things we have on Hive and starts to figure out they can do much more than just dropping their post, commenting and collecting rewards.

The most important thing many don't see yet is that HIVE IS US! WE ARE HIVE! Hive without us, the user base is nothing, it's just a bunch of useless software and hardware and the best example for that is the legacy chain that we left behind two years ago because we did not want a centralized platform governed by a megalomaniac a**hole who thought money can buy everything.

Forking was the best thing that could happen to us/Hive! The development since then has been absolutely amazing. We have so many new things today, I can't even list them here and this is still just the beginning.

You don't have to be a rocket scientist or a coder to contribute on this platform. Regardless of your educational background, you can still find a way to help this platform grow. You can be a community moderator or supporter, you can translate apps, you can be a curator or a tester, or just help newbies get familiar with the platform and learn what they need to know. With the growing user base, there's always need for help, so there's always a chance to contribute.

You can have a lower reputation and still be known by everyone for the your contribution. That is your real reputation, not the number next to your username. This is how you pump your reputation fast.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Hive is not just about blogging, this is also about building Hive. So instead of watching and waiting for your reputation to go up, start thinking about how you can help Hive grow. Look around to see where you can contribute, how you can put your skills to good use. Build your reputation by contributing to making Hive a better place. That is how you pump your reputation! You can't control the amount of votes you get, that is out of your hands but you can control what you do on the chain as it's up to you.

If there's someone still here, reading these last lines, thank you for bearing with me. Maybe I have convinced you to start thinking as a web3 user, start making things better, instead of complaining about not getting votes. Hive is US! You, me and the others all together.

LATER EDIT: In the meantime I have found a post about How reputation scores are calculated - the details explained with simple math.

This was posted 6 years ago, on the legacy chain. I suppose it's the same system today, but only base layer devs can confirm it.

If you're a newbie, you may want to check out these guides:


There are 2 pages

You've been of great help to me,I am a newbie but I can say I've learned a lot from this. Thank you for always lending a helping hand. I read to the end👊

My pleasure and I'm glad to hear that, it means I'm not working in vain 🙂

Your posts have been really helpful. I'm still a newbie here and your posts have been guiding me through hive as I'm still trying to figure out my way around . Thank you❤

You're welcome. I'm glad to hear that. I'm trying to drop newbie guide post, to share what I know, in order to help you and other newbies.

Have a nice weekend.

Thank you much. I will 😊and have a nice weekend too

Thank you for these great newbie posts. I had some advantage coming into Hive thanks to @steevc and his blog post for newbies ( Now that I am here more regularly I find that I feel like I know what things are like, but the details seem amorphous. As an example, I never really thought about reputation per se, as my focus was to get a good place to blog and a good community to blog with. However, while reading this post it was clear that unconsciously I had indeed noticed the reputation number and I was equating the number to the social reputation that you speak of. It is good I read this post and will not make that unconscious link in my mind. I am going through all your newbie posts and don't want to spam comments on them all, so I want to thank you once again for all of them.

You're welcome @brijwhiz, I hope it helps to get a good start.

I am sure it will help me. Mainly to keep me away from stressing about things that do not need to be stressed over 😊

But how can I get more votes!!

Great post, having just stumbled across it, it sure would have been great to see the post when it was published, it was around this time I was getting back into Hive. One of the slight disadvantages of Hive, sometimes it's hard to find what you need. However the flip side, it's here forever so ample time to find everything you need as you get more involved with Hive.

That leads to your views of reputation, by embedding oneself in the community, one opens many more doors, giving more exposure even with a lower reputation score. As the old saying goes "it's not what you know it's who you know".

There are some great communities on Hive, all looking out for each other and helping each other navigate the honeycomb that is Hive. Many like to check users in-depth, which is the beauty of the blockchain, with your history visible (check on peaked, pretty cool, all your old comments and posts!) for all to see. By engaging and showing genuine interest in other's content seems to improve one's reputation 10 fold over just creating content.

Building Hive together with the best "reputation" possible provides unlimited opportunities for the chain and communities as a whole! There are so many exciting projects buzzing on Hive, so plenty of opportunities for everyone to get involved and "grow their reputation".

What can I say? You said it all!

I think I just said what you said but it's been said either way! Great post!

Great post, easy to understand 🤓 very useful for newbies.
It is US for sure! For all…

Thank you!

You are welcome @erikah have a wonderful week 👋🏻😊

Thank you, same to you :)

Thanks 🙏🏻😊

As a newbie, this post is a big help for me. Still I'm in the pace of exploring and learning. Catch my eye and thought interesting post so I read till the end. Thank you for guiding.

You're welcome. I have a few more newbie guides at the bottom of my recent posts if you're interested.

Let me know if you need help 😊

Thank you so much for the support.😘

Hi, thank you for this post as I find this very helpful. I’m one of the newbies on here & figuring out my way around has been confusing.

I now have a better understanding about hive and how it works!

You're welcome. This is just a small part of how Hive works, but if you need any help, let me know :)

Whaoo.. This is nice.. I have been trying to understand what reputation means and how it affects our account.. Now I understand more

I'm glad I could help you see more clearly.

Like good old Warren Buffet once said;

It takes years to build a good reputation, but only 1 minute to destroy it. Once you understand that, you'll do things differently.

Nice blog, and yeah. Even the reputation score may not mean much. It's still fun to see the number creeping up very slowly.

Warren Buffet is a smart man! He has said some smart things over the years.

And yes, it's fun to look at your rep creeping up very slowly 😂

Lolled at 80 isn't far. Five years it took me, and that's posting daily and being fortunate enough to have gained some support. Now, 81 isn't far...Maybe a few months I guess...another twenty seven years and I'll hit triple figures. 🤔🤣

Good post. ✅

Maybe a few months I guess...another twenty seven years and I'll hit triple figures. 🤔🤣

🤣😂 I haven't thought of it, but you may be right. 😂

Honestly I didn't know what that reputation means until now.thank you very much for the clear explanation..

I'm glad I got to know it and also got to know how to actually build my reputation.
I've seen the important of giving my best instead of dwelling on how many upvote I get.

It's a good one that you took out your time to put out this piece it's an evidence that you understand the struggle we face!
Thank you so much.

Hive is me!
This should be a slogan 🤗

You're welcome! I'm glad you took the time to read it and understand as it's going to help you long term.

And yes, Hive is us! You, me and the others!

Have a nice evening 🙂

Thank you 🤗

Greetings I always thought that according to your reputation you received votes because these are rewarded daily, actually there are many things I don't understand it is still difficult for me I post on hive because I like it and I do my best to be original but it is frustrating when you make 10 or 20 posts and they are not rewarded it is impossible not to look at that, thanks for getting me out of doubt regarding reputation happy start of the week.

No, reputation has nothing to do with the votes you get.

I post on hive because I like it and I do my best to be original but it is frustrating when you make 10 or 20 posts and they are not rewarded it is impossible not to look at that

I had a look at your account and I can say you've been nicely rewarded, maybe more rewarded than many others, but I see you are not satisfied as you want to be rewarded for every single post the same way. I also see you are cashing out every liquid reward you are earning.

Have you ever thought about the fact that you are not the only user that deserves support and votes should be spread out? The level of entitlement is a bit too high here, unfortunately.

Of course you are right maybe I am comparing myself to people who do receive rewards on a daily basis and for all their publications I guess they have earned that right of course you are always going to be satisfied.

I also see you are cashing out every liquid reward you are earning.

As for withdrawing my liquid earnings only I know my financial situation and why I do it anyway thanks for commenting but I can not judge the personal situation of each person was a pleasure to read you blessings and sorry if you are uncomfortable with my comment actually that was not my intention.

I'm planning to bring my friends and this are the kind of articles that I need.

I enjoyed reading this, thanks alot.

I'm glad to hear that! Let's hope they are going to see the meaning of it too.

This is encouraging and useful, just let that thing call reputation at the side do his thing while the real reputation comes from doing the right thing. wow i like it!!

Yes, that's how it should be done. Worry less about that number and focus on what you can learn to make your performance better and later, when you are not a newbie anymore, find a way to contribute to growing Hive 🙂

First i read everything to the last line 🤣.

A few weeks back when i started writing here and it seems no one was reading my posts i reached out to a friend and he said it was because of my low reputation. He said it's the reputation that helps with views, comments and upvotes. He said i lost the opportunity to have a good reputation when my first post didn't receive much upvotes.

I believed this and when i see a day user with 48 reputation or more with lots of upvotes, while i was still struggling with 40 despite writing more than 2 articles i feel sad.

I sorted ways to increase my reputation. I even thought of opening another account, writing a new introduction post, maybe this time I'll be lucky to have lots of upvotes on my first post and in the process have a better reputation.

Long story short, lucky for me you stumbled on one of my posts and corrected this misconception and some other users collaborated your point. I continued with engaging with other users and things have improved. I no longer focus on the reputation, i know with time it will sort itself, moreover i now know it isn’t the most important thing.

A few weeks back when i started writing here and it seems no one was reading my posts i reached out to a friend and he said it was because of my low reputation. He said it's the reputation that helps with views, comments and upvotes. He said i lost the opportunity to have a good reputation when my first post didn't receive much upvotes.

That is not true unfortunately. You haven't lost anything. Some intro posts get upvoted, which catapults users to another level, but trust me, that reputation does not guarantee anything. Curators are canvasing posts and supporting good content and lower reputation may even get more attention as newbies are the ones that need more support. So whoever your friend is, they may have gotten the wrong impression.

I wanted to put this post together as it's important to let newbies know that focusing on reputation is not the right path. I'd love to see some mentality and perception changed as it can change a journey on Hive.

Now that I think of, I think you were the one who posted about being disappointed because your rep is not moving. That post gave me the idea to write mine :)

P.S. Thanks for reading everything, to the last line 😂 At least there's someone who did it 🤣

Yes it was me 🤣

Lol, after you left me the first comment on this post, I started to suspect it was you 😏

Hi @erikah

Nice to meet you, I think that there's a lot in this post that is excellent for newcomers. I was lucky and was onboarded by a veteran so I came in with a lot of knowledge, but I can see how someone who found their way here without help could be very overwhelmed.

The way I understand reputation as a metric is like compounded interest in reverse. The higher you go, the harder it gets and for good reason I believe... it makes you really test your creativity and put in the effort.

I read the whole post and I agree with you that Hive is only here if the people that contribute are all in it together. If that's missing, well then it would go the same way as the predecessor did and none of us want that, so it's up to us to MAKE it and KEEP it good.

Have a nice day 🌻

Hi @emma-h and thanks for the nice comment. Indeed you are lucky to have a mentor as Hive is a very complex platform and without guidance one may be lost.

The way I understand reputation as a metric is like compounded interest in reverse. The higher you go, the harder it gets and for good reason I believe...

That is true. I know when I was at the beginning, someone explained the system and I remember that they said each level is 10 times harder than the previous.

The truth is, if you focus on reputation, you'll get disappointed very fast. It's like watching the waster boil. That's why I am saying focus on creating good content, engage with like minded people and try to find your place on the chain. Join communities and try to contribute. You'll see the results soon.

Thanks for the comment and you have a nice day as well 🙂

Thanks so much for your reply Erikah. That's exactly what Galen suggested and that's what I intend on doing. Good content is key and engagement is crucial. I will hopefully be able to also contribute more towards the chain as I grow too, it's very exciting 😁

If Galen told you that, you're in good hands my friend 😃
And no worries, you first learn, then things start to fall into place, you will find the right place for yourself.

It is a game and it's very exciting indeed 😏

Thank you Erikah, I owe him snacks for all the help he's given me getting me started. It's a lot to take in but I paced myself and I'm glad to finally be here.

Have a lovely day.

No way, don't give @galenkp snacks! Plain water only! 😂🤣

Have a good weekend and happy blogging!


You know I operate better with snacks!

You're a scallywag.

Thank you erikah, I owe him snacks...

Pay up yo!

Yes master, they will be forthcoming post-haste 🥐🥞🌮🍕🍔

!1UP When comparing with my personal experience at Hive, I realize that everything you said is really true. Over the months I've been on the platform, all my actions have been what helped me build a reputation and not the number that appears next to my name. Making friends and looking for ways to help Hive grow (in any way you can) is the ideal way to grow within this ecosystem. Thanks for sharing this content!

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I'm glad you also see it that way. Sharing your experience is important for the newbies to see what's the right way. Focusing on the things we've mentioned is going to help them move forward. Thank you!

I 'm glad you made this post, it's not only very informative but also helping newbies to understand how reputation works. You nailed it @erikah dear. Have a nice evening!

Many thanks my dear friend! Many things are not explained and I bet it's very confusing to deal with so many information at once, but slowly we can help them start their journey. Have a lovely day!

Thank you...hugs to you from Vienna!

Well said Erika. I don’t know if it’s just me, but I knew it was a clickbait title for newbies as soon as I saw the title and that it was from you. I had seen you telling one newbie in his post’s comment a few days ago about how shouldn’t worry about his small reputation(number next to his username) so I figured that was what this would be about behind the clickbait title. This is great advice as always. Thanks for sharing.

Hmmm, you're starting to know me 😁

I guess I am:)

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This is the clearest post I've read about reputation since I'm also wondering how and what's the criteria to increase it. I learned a lot from your blog tonight.

I just want to ask this one question. Last two days ago, I noticed that my reputation in my profile account is not the same with reputation when I'm leaving a comment. It feels weird to me how that happened.

Last two days ago, I noticed that my reputation in my profile account is not the same with reputation when I'm leaving a comment. It feels weird to me how that happened.

Sometimes synchronizing is lagging, or sometimes some frontends show rep 25 at comments, but can't remember which one. The best thing is to check a couple of other frontends as well and wait a little to synchronize.

I think I'm going to do another guide about a cool tool you can use.

Oh, I see. So it's not a glitch or something? When I saw my reputation went down, gosh, I thought someone or group of people downvoted one of my posts. It really scared me since I'm just new here.

I would love to read that cool tool you are talking about.


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Learn more about our delegation service to earn daily rewards. Join the Cartel on Discord.

Thank you!

I read everything from the beginning to the end, and I felt like you are talking to me directly , because it was encouraging and I learnt a lot from it. you said hive is us, we are hive, truth be told, you are right, it won't be functioning without the people posting good content on it. Thanks for the post.

I'm glad it helped you. It means it wasn't time wasted :) And yes, Hive is us!

Thank you! Great post.

It bears repeating over and over again. Hive is a community and if you're on Hive, then you're a member of the community. Just as with any community, there are obligations to the members. The obligation to Hive community members is to be a good Hive citizen. Don't spam, don't plagiarize, and don't cause trouble. Other than that, do what you wish and help the community grow and become better. We all need to be reminded of that from time to time.

I could have not said it better. Looks like you're on the right track, if you know that, so good luck!

Bloody 80, its miles!

I always find it quite handy (the rep score) if it is less than seventy you instantly get an idea that someone is relatively new or been thumped with downvotes. Apart from that it is a bit rubbish

Reading your reply after a year, makes me smile. Your rep is now 80.46, so you can relax 😂


I have noticed that reps are increasing ever quickly these days. I think some higher staked voters are exponentially higher in rep now meaning there is more weight to their votes bringing everyone up more quickly. The 80 club is where its at :O)

Maybe you're right, I don't know.

Lol, the 80 club 😂 Enjoy it! 💪

Lol, you're close to 80 though, closer than me anyway 😂

Its killing me. So near and yet so far!

At this stage 0.4 looks like eternity, so I can understand what you're going through 😀

Thanks so much for the motivating words !! This write up is sure going to help a lot and as also changed my orientation about hive , Hive is US and We are Hive!!!!

Hive is US and We are Hive!!!!

Many can't see it yet as coming from web2 often causes people to think there's a BOSS or an upper management that can't be touched. We don't have that on Hive.

Absolutely!!! That makes it amazing and interesting !!! I love the fact that hard and smart work gets credited by a system

Excellent write-up! I know exactly which legacy chain you left behind. I also left 2 months after I had joined when I learned more about the takeover. I want to contribute but still looking at what is available.

I see I forgot to reply to this. Thank you! Many left the legacy chain for a good reason.

Thank you so much for this post it is very informative and helpful atleast now I have an idea about how hive works and about what reputation is all about. I'll check out your other posts Ms. Erika. God bless!😍🥰

You're welcome, I'm glad you find it helpful 😃

oh so sorry I was looking for the edit part of the reply but can't seem to find it so I just commented another one.😁

The last part of your post Ms. Erika you mentioned focus on helping the hive. It kept me thinking on how can I as a newbie help the hive. Do you have any suggestions? I join some challenges on the communities and share some of my daily activities and experiences in asean hive and do comments on hivers that I follow but other than that I have no idea on how may I help build and grow the hive.
Hope you can give me/us some tips.
Thank you so much. More power to you!🥰

PS, after posting this I saw the edit button... haha. I think I was having some data connection problem or was just blind!😁😂 talk about being a newbie, an old one for that matter. lol!😂

No worries, comments are not limited :)

As a newbie, your focus should be on learning as much as you can. Get familiar with the communities we have, learn the rules. Then you'll find a way to contribute. Opportunity will come, no rush, no worries 😀

Another striking post from you again. This one s really good having read this to the end, thanks for having newbies at heart.

Thank you, I'm glad it was helpful and sorry for the late reply. I got so many comments on this, even after a year I'm getting comments.

The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at

I believe that the reputation of hive is a middle ground, as for some it is nothing for others it is an important number, as you said yourself, it indicates how long someone has been here and much more, if the person has a short time of HIVE and a high reputation means that he really did a lot in a short time.

This reputation I see as a degree of trustworthiness that we have in a person or profile, if he has that high number, he probably did something that enchanted people to vote for his posts. it's my point of view.


In an ideal world I would agree with you but not on Hive. There has been times when reputation could be pumped using bidbots. The other thing why I don't trust reputation is because you can have the highest reputation and still be an abuser.

The only thing that matters is what you do on Hive.

Yes, on this point of bots we agree, to this day there are still some forms, such as thealliance projects, SOL token in which even I participate as well.

The really cool thing is the interaction and the hard work that each one does, this is the reputation that we all have to realize! Strong hug.


$PIZZA slices delivered:
shiftrox tipped erikah @fantagira tipped @erikah

You're right, this is what I really needed to read. Thanks a lot 💙💙💙💛

I hope you put it to good use.

All post of yours I've read are so on point and really helpful, easy to understand too, going to read the rest of them right away, thank you so much

Thank you, I'm trying my best, to keep it simple as I'm writing to newbies and the main idea is for them to understand, otherwise it's all in vain.

I'm taking it bit by bit
How grateful I am to come across these posts today 🥰🥰, thank you once again 💕✌️

You're welcome, I have a whole collection of newbie guides at the bottom of each of my posts.

If I was rich on here, my votes to your posts would be automatic. You're doing great work!

Thank you.

For nothing. 😊

I just finish reading this and it was very helpful.
I have a request and I don't know if you have a blog for it.
I read your blog about how to post in the right community and it has been helpful

I would like you to make a blog about how to use the right hashtag in a post. It has been one of the things I would like to know too

I need to have a look to see as I remember doing a post about it but don't know if it was an entire post, or just touched the subject in another newbie guide. I'll get back to you on that.

Ok.. Thank you so much

Your reputation on the chain is not that number next to your name, but what you do on the platform and how you behave.

I'm super grateful for this, it's extremely helpful and I also believe this statement here applies to life generally, it's a deep truth.
Hive is getting a lot clearer through your explanations. Thanks.

Unfortunately almost all the newbies are gunning for higher reputation. There is a challenge going on in Hive learners and if you read the post, you see that reputation is among the goals. That number is a useless metric, but they don't seem to care.

Whao, I'm beginning to understand how this works better and better.

But then, I'm just curious, what are the things that can reduce the number?


Okay, thank you so much 🙏.

You're welcome.

Another great and amazing post. Hive is us truly and we are hive. I have learned what reputation is all about. Am ready to build mine by helping hive to grow

Amen to that. It's been a year already, I hope you succeeded.

sure I will succeed here

6 years old, yet still very relevant! I enjoyed reading this article a lot. I saw my reputation number go up, but I didn’t really aim for that effect. I guess genuine interaction gets good scores wherever you go ☺️

I guess genuine interaction gets good scores wherever you go

That is spot on and you're right @fantagira. Sorry for the late reply though.

Not to worry! I remember digging up old articles and reading all about hive when I joined. Yours must have been one of those ☺️
Interesting to read it 10 months later again.

What a great writeup! It's very useful.

I'm glad to hear that.

Hello Ms. Erika, I have been reading your posts for newbies. I have a dilemma right now. I wanted to make a power-up, my first ever power-up but I don't know in which community should I post it and how to post it as well.... Haha. So hard to be a baby when you are old.

I hope you can give me some tips on how and where to do it.
My apologies, I've read your latest post but I don't want to comment there about my question since I just want to comment about your very delightful bejgli or the poppy seed roll.
Thank you in advance for lighting my path, Sensei😍🥰♥️

Power up means a wallet transaction and has nothing to do with communities. If you want to do a post about it, then you can use Hive Power community, or maybe Leofinance.

And you're welcome :)

Ahh, okay! Copy on that Ms. Erikah. I read somewhere but just forgot that there is a challenge or it's a community challenge when you post your power up. Specially if it's for the first time. Not quite sure though.

This is very insightful, when you said, "hive is us, contributing to the growth of the platform should be our first focus, reputation has a meaning and on the other hand, it doesn't have meaning, what is meaningful is the value a user put in the blockchain, nice post.

Thank you! I'm glad you find it important.

Thank you too @erikah, for sharinng and you are welcome 😊

Amazing 🤩 I like the fact that that hive is decentralized and everyone is allowed to contribute in their own unique ways regardless of their educational background. 👍🏿

Yes, Hive is decentralized and we can build it.

I have been following your post and trust me you've been of great help to me on this platform. Thank you for all you do. You said something about contributing to the system, how will I be of help to the Hive family please.

That is good news for me and I'm glad I could help.

You said something about contributing to the system, how will I be of help to the Hive family please.

You can join communities, groups and see if you can put your skills to good use. I'm not sure where you are from, Nigeria, Ghana, but both countries have a community of their own.

that a great explanation. I post regularly on Photography Lovers, so if there's anything I can do to help, I would be happy to. Greetings from Medellín, Colombia.

Thank you.

Of course there is. Post quality content and engage with other community members.

Greetings to you too and happy blogging.

Very cool! Not sure how I missed all these tutorials and guides of yours, but I’m excited to be reading through them now!

No worries, never too late 😉

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