The most ingenious solution for extremists on all sides!

in Proof of Brain5 months ago


Have you noticed? There is the trending term ‘well-tempered cruelty’,

circling, which I cheekily would like to put into a different context, if you allow.

We all know that every population exhibits extreme excesses in both directions, do we. They cannot be prevented.

Anyone who wants zero extremists wants something that can't be done.
Because of this reality, please give me the courtesy of reading my suggestion:

Why don't we give the young extremists official arenas

instead of letting them roam the streets in such uncontrolled and unaesthetic manner?

Why not organise a strenuous campaign and recruit young men directly from the streets?

The police, who could pick up a few tens wherever they are caught throwing stones or breaking windows. Even loud and aggressive screaming would be a suitable reason for recruitment, I would think. No?

It is, from this point of view, a misfortune that only the left-wing extremists are still loudly and visibly appearing in public places and urgently begging for opponents. Now, for heavens sake, give them what they ask for!
Establish the fighting.

And because they can't get their hands on bald heads, jackboots or brown shirts,

they come up with such idiotic ideas as causing riots in front of party headquarters, where they only meet bureaucrats or full-time intellectuals who simply don't fancy a proper brawl. Booooring.

Or they hang around at peace demos, where hardly any suitable combat material falls at their feet. On the contrary, they have to watch in frustration as ‘grannies against rights’ take the air out of their sails. In principle willing to fight, they must watch this unique kind of violation of honour.

Now, stupidly, the young right-wing skin headed extremists have been so successfully banished from the public eye, who have been driven underground - or even completely dissolved - are a dying breed. I may be mistaken, but these two extremist groups no longer seem to match in numbers. What a loss!

A balance urgently needs to be struck here, don't you think?

You can't give one extremist group the whole stage, can you?

If you do that, what's left for them to do but indiscriminately quench their thirst for blood? Stupidity beyond compare, isn't it?

Well, the police would have their work cut out to bring the left-wing extremists to their well-tempered received cruelty.
On the one hand. On the other:

Let's have sports arenas and centres! Open up the fight clubs!

Either build them, or find suitable facilities to be reopened and inaugurated in land wide beautiful PR campaigns!

For my part, I like looking at pretty pecs on posters.

Under the strict supervision of trained coaches and martial arts specialists, the young men would first have to be unconditionally(!) supported in their twisted ideological views (only in pretence, of course, only in pretence!) while they are taught how to fight properly.

So if you haven't yet understood what was meant by ‘well-tempered’, hopefully you do now.

But (!) I am still faced with the unresolved problem:

where are the extreme right-wingers supposed to come from? Where they haven't already switched to the conservative camp themselves and prefer to fight with arguments rather than fists. What a tragedy, what a dilemma!
Anyone who has a solution: Bring it on!

I've since found a fair measure for the blowhards who think they're being a man by vandalising shops and scratching innocent cars, but still ain't manly enough to appreciate a good fight with non dead bodies.

On the reasonable assumption that these young extremists have healthy arms and legs, but couldn't be enforced to fight, shouldn't their welfare cash be cancelled? There is a solution to everything, if only you will!

According to the cruel motto:

If you don't want to fight, you must go to work. And those who are too stupid to overcome their intellectual inertia must be paid to carry boxes and move them from left to right. You get the idea.

The cowardice and laziness of young men must be put to an end, my dear friends!

Someday, in a friendlier future,

when the young girls see what great guys the fighting arenas are producing, they will be less desperate for marriage material. And the divine balance will be restored.



Or put 100 politicians from US and NATO and hundred from Russia in a huge cage and fight it out. Whoever resigns first has to agree on negotiations. The Ukrainian war would soon be over.

HaHa :D !
Could there be a hundred strong young men in each of these ranks? After all, who wants to see untrained, unsightly dudes who have no martial arts skills fighting each other? It would be an all too pathetic sight, I'm afraid.
And then there's the problem of who is supposed to capture the hundred of each group and place them in the scene? It would have to be their own cheeky soldiers, methinks. But if the soldiery were to commit such a rebellious mutiny, the arena would no longer be needed. LoL

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

The problem is that these ruffians you discuss are in fact allied to the police, because they are created, funded, and controlled by the same forces. They aren't organic public protest, but are mercenaries, paid to do things that police aren't supposed to: commit crimes. This is revealed by the police leaving pallets of bricks where BLM demonstrations were about to occur, that was proved to happen in 2020.


Some probably are, some aren't.
There might be a few wild cards flying around in this whole ludicrous scheme.

Whom did you cite in your comment? The founding fathers?

It is the full text of the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America.

Survival of the fittest. Sounds fair enough. Of course the right wing would be eternally victorious as the left are a gang of namby-pamby whingers with not a six-pack between them. But don't tell anyone I said that!

Chuckle! Well, well, well, you're throwing away my brilliant idea!
That would make fight clubs everywhere superfluous, I'm not giving up hope that a good bunch of the lefties might be good for fighting after all. They have to learn first! Because you can see that they have the potential from all the broken things they leave behind everywhere. They really need it. So all is not lost. LoL.
They wouldn't have to die in the arenas, they would just beat the crap out of each other in a disciplined manner. So do you support the idea?

You make some good points. They do indeed display some smashing potential. I think it'd have to be fight to the death though. We have to get rid of the little blighters somehow🙃

Joking aside, a licence to kill is not an option, if only because you would accidentally create a new species of killer.
If we were to authorise killing without suffering the consequences, we would end up exactly where we are today. From the small to the large, where this barbarian species would be sent forward so that those with the coldest hearts could watch from afar as the common male folk is murdered.

I rarely put joking aside, but of course I wouldn't condone harming a hair on the head of another, be they left, right or indifferent.

Well, I wouldn't really mind if the extreme young men in our midst received disciplinary training in fighting from mature male role models. That would get many of them off the streets - best, it would be their fathers, brothers, uncles and cousins anyway.
Instead of offering them sugar-coated, contaminated pedagogical communist programmes that are absolutely not the right thing for many young men and that they actually despise from the bottom of their hearts. Which is then expressed in the smashings.
Putting young guys in a circle of chairs and giving them a talking stick or a talking number so that they can then spout off a "speech" like a bureaucrat can hardly be surpassed in terms of ridiculousness (exceptions confirm the rule). Is, how I see it. ;)

I was sitting on the S-train with my almost grown-up son and a young felt-haired man came down the aisle asking for money in that typical matter-of-fact way they do these days. I said rudely: "Just keep walking!" How that infuriated him! He immediately took a few steps back and wanted to argue. I shooed him away with my hand and said loudly: ‘Just go to work!’ That pissed him off, I could tell.