in Proof of Brain3 years ago

Once upon a time there was a boy called Robert in a village called "wande".
Robert wanted to go to secondary school, but where was the money for his fees?
One morning Robert told is friend about the difficulties,
"Why don't you ask Mr Appiah if you can work for him? Suggested the friend.
" I think I heard him saying the other day that he needs some help in his store.
Robert was listening intently and the next day to his great joy, Mr Appiah gave him a part time job, cleaning the store after he had closed.

Carefully Robert swept the floor and put things away. He hope that if he did the job well, Mr Appiah might perhaps even increase his wages after two or three months.
Everything went well for a couple of weeks, then something strange happened, When he went to sweep the office, behind the store, he noticed that the cash drawer was open, and a quantity of money was scattered on the floor.
" perhaps Mr Appiah has left this money on the floor for me", he thought to him self, hopefully. He picked up the coins one by one.
What could is strange experience means?
Sodenly he made is decision, at all costs, he would be honest. So he put all the money in the drawer and close it
Unknown to him, of course, Mr Appiah went straight to the drawer next morning and counted the money. A smile come over his face - not one pieces was missing.
The next evening, the same drawer was open again, and still more money was scattered over the floor.
But Robert how had a good idea of what happening, so with no hesitation this time, he pick up every coin and put it back in the drawer and clear fully close it.

Next morning, Mr Appiah called at Robert's house speaking to his parent, Mr Appiah said, "I want to tell you what honest boy you have. You should be proud of him. I am; and I'll tell you why ;"
He told them that its was he who had purposely, on two occasion left the cash drawer in his office open, and had scattered some coins on the floor, just to see what Robert would do. "And each time", he went on, he checked up, and not one solitary coin was missing! "
And the parent looked at each other and at their son with great pride.
But Mr Appiah was still speaking
"And I know how much your boy wants to go to secondary school, don't you,
Robert nodded his head!
"And so I am going to provide all his fees, if he will stay with me, and I'll supply all his food. Infact, I will be responsible for all expenses connected to his schooling and at that moment, Robert realized that if he had put ten percent of the money on the floor in to his pocket, this wonderful thing wouldn't have happened to him.

Moral lesson: don't take from where you didn't keep, because you don't know if they were tempting you.
Thanks for reading my post

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Honesty is indeed the best policy, be truthful at all times and expect less
It's a good one

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