in Proof of Brain3 years ago

We are living in the civilize world with great advancement in science and technology.
Great strict have been made in medical and academic; the world is now a global village with civilization at it apex.
But human interaction is still at stone age settings. We are still killing each other, arm robbery attacks, rapping, radical discrimination, kidnapping, terrorism etc.



You have a situation where a pastor backslide or a christian convert to Islamic. The question I have ask is, " what kind of mindset or thought pattern activities of these kind of erratic behaviour is this?
The truth is that the mind is the realm of possibilities.
"#Napoleon Hill" says that whatever the mind of mind conceive and believe it can achieve. In your mind you can become anything, do anything, whatever you can imagine in your mind becomes the minds possibility.
The mind is the laboratory for human creation.
What you set your mind on you can do it, no matter how difficult it seems to be.
If your mind is bent on accomplishing it will, where there is a will, there is a way and the mind is the seat of the will; the mind as automatic response to any situation and that response is called a condition " reflex "
To have different respond or what psychologist called a paradigm shift, the human mind must unpayed, deny everything it has learned or held to the true and consciously, adopt and installed new beliefs that will now regulate new habits and behaviours.


In the mind nothing is possible, if you can't think of it.
There is a better possibility and vision for any individual that refuse to remain stuck in, individual can't experience reflux in his or her life.
"Proverb" says that they can't teach an old Dog new tricks, and this is true. If you want something different you have to do something different,
Pay attention to the result you are currently producing,
Result don't lies!!.
If u don't like your current result change your action by changing your thought.
Thanks for reading.

Posted via proofofbrain.io


This a very vital information for the youths of this generation who wants to achieve their goals and also be successfulI in life.learning new tricks involves patience and hardworking to be able to scare through.

Posted via proofofbrain.io