Random Thought of the Day - Daily Contest #17 - What has life taught you recently?

Hey folks. How is everyone doing.

My #rtotd today is - What has life taught you recently?


Quote of the Day

“It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop. Confucius

I have started this competition in the hope that this will prove to be a fun and interesting way to get people to interact and engage with each other here on #proofofbrain

It could be about anything really. Ranging from a memorable quote to a story or maybe just a random question about life itself. Literally any subject is open for discussion but I will try and not let it get too weird !

You are also welcome to talk about any other subject you like.

To enter the competition you simply have to make any type of comment on this post and I will do a daily random draw for 3 lucky winners.

You are not required to Upvote, Re-Blog or Follow but it would be nice.


1st Place = 5 POB + 1 Upvote
2nd Place = 1 POB + 1 Upvote
3rd Place = 0.50 POB + 1 Upvote

Congratulations To Yesterdays Winners

1st Place - @merit.ahama 2nd Place - @samsmith1971 3rd Place - @sindetalles

I use https://www.random.org/ to pick the winner with TRUE RANDOMNESS !!


RANDOM.ORG offers true random numbers to anyone on the Internet. The randomness comes from atmospheric noise, which for many purposes is better than the pseudo-random number algorithms typically used in computer programs

Rules - Respect and Be Respected (P.L.U.R.)

Thanks for reading.

Peace, Graham.


Posted via proofofbrain.io


Thank you for the placing :-) I appreciate it! Love these little engagement contests.

So what has life taught me recently? I guess that life has reminded me to be true to myself and follow my passions and interests with honesty and clarity. Being courageous enough to put myself out there and just be me. It is worth so much more than trying to be someone that you think people want you to be! Because in fact, you learn quickly that most people just want you to be the unique person that you are :-)

Be all that you can be.

You can do it^^

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This is a great answer and also very true :)

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What has life taught you recently?

I love this question, but I don't have anything philosophical today.

Life taught me recently that if I post using several tags I will tick off some people. I'm still not sure if that is good or bad. It is interesting to see how some people act on the internet. It is kind of like how people react while driving. Put them behind the wheel and they are an entirely different person.


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yeah definitely..people can act very different online.!!

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New lesson every day^^

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Very true 😉

Recently? Life has taught me so many things in just a short period of time but one thing that still feels fresh in my mind every morning is CONSISTENCY

Before now, I'm hardly patient enough to keep doing something over and over to get o my success, I have faced difficulties and given up.

But recently, I have learned how to be consistent in doing something worthy and I learnt that here on Hive. Even with my low impart on the platform, I'm still consistent with it and people are getting to see the little I do.

So if I'm to round it up, Life has taught me to be more appreciative of my little and be consistent with for better days to come.

Thanks for the last question, I'm glad to be among the winners. This would be my second time winning 😊
Congrats to the others also

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Yeah Consistency is so important and patience helps. !

Congrats man. 😎 you have great odds of winning here ATM. 😉

I learned this morning that life isn't fair. My mom recently died. There are 3 children. 2 sisters plus me. The one sister inherited everything.

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Really Sorry to hear that, my dad passed away about 2 years ago and it changed me in many ways.

Yeah that certainly is not fair. She should do the right thing and split it with all of you.

Families can be the worst sometimes !

That's why I've always valued my friends over my family. I got to pick my friends.

Yeah i know what your saying man..

Conratulation to winners

1st place @merit.ahama 2nd Place - @samsmith1971 3rd Place - @sindetalles Your post is reblogged and upvoted by me. It is a good post. Thank you @elricmoonslayer

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Thank you 😉


Sorry, out of BEER, please retry later...

A very good one to the winners , congratulations to you guys

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Hmm I think it has taught me when you're really tired and feel kinda burned out it feels like you need to rest and slow things down. But I doubt that's the answer as you'll feel more lethargic and useless.

So I think it taught me to evaluate what gives me energy (even if it takes some effort at first, be it physical or mental) and which parts of life should go down on the priority list and not worry about them too much. Pick yourself up and get after it again :-)

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Yeah man, you have to prioritize.

Use your energy wisely.

What has life taught you recently?

Another thing I have got to learn of recent is that nothing last forever,not even power so it is advisable that we use every opportunity of power given to us very carefully and not to use it to oppress or bring them people below us just because will have power over them, power won't last forever that is why we must be careful of how will use it and not allow it to overwhelmed us,, nothing last forever as far as life is concern

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"With great power comes great responsibility" - Stan Lee

It might be from Spiderman but it's a great quote.

Alot of recent , especially when it comes going to the top,it as makes me to know that you don't get to the top on your own alone,you must have people of good influence around you and not just people of good influence all alone,but those who are ready to be of help to you willing,just like a saying that who God as sent to you will help you,in the past few weeks have gotten to know that it is not just about keeping friends but it is all about keeping friends that will add value to you life cause it matters alot in finding our way to the top in life

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Yeah man..you have to have good people around you or else you are fighting a losing battle.

Real friends are hard to find sometimes...then sometimes it just happens...:)