Creating the Perfect Logical Flow In Your Writing

in Proof of Brain4 years ago

Good flow in writing makes it an easy read for your readers. It enables them to move through the paragraphs and sentences smoothly with keen interest on the subject matter. When a flow is lacking in writing, it is deficient in the elements that keep the reader focused and guided as they navigate the pages.

Your readers are the reasons why you write and so it is important you give your best in how you present your thoughts to them with the pen.
Writing is an art. It has its style and structure. To be good at it, you must play by its rules.

There are techniques to be learned and followed. Creating the perfect logical flow in your writing involves key elements in each sentence and paragraph. That said, here are the top 7 elements to consider when the perfect logical flow in your writing is what you desire.

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The Topic Sentence

This element is the core idea under consideration. It sets the reader’s mind on the discussion in the paragraph. Every paragraph ought to begin with one. The reader sees the topic sentence as the informational signpost that points to the path of discussion or what should be expected...

Logical Connection.

Logical connection deals with having a coherent link within your ideas. If your thoughts are not logically connected, the reader will be lost or left confused while reading. The logical connection allows the writer to keep on track of the subject matter just as the reader. With logical connection adherence, the writer keeps focus and does not allow any interruption or ideas that do not fit into the flow. Ideas should move in sequences that properly link one to another for easy understanding....

Good Transition

Transitions help to create a logical flow between the paragraph and sentence elements. How does your last sentence connect to the next paragraph? Transition can be compared to bridges between roads. It is the bridge that links your sentence to the paragraph. The last sentence or paragraph should lead to the next and your readers should be able to anticipate that. Words such as moreover, in addition, can be of good help in the transition implementation process.

Sentence Structure/Wordings

Repetition leads to boredom on the part of the reader. Varied sentence structure prevents this from happening. It keeps a reader interested in the topic and how the writer goes about the subject. To keep a perfect flow in your writing, sentences should not be of the same length and style all the time. To break the habit of monotonous ways of building your pages, try changing the pattern of starting every sentence. Similarly, don’t repeat the same words over and over in a sentence. Use synonyms of the word instead. For instance, if you’ve used ‘sum’ earlier, use ‘addition’ later on in the passage. The beauty of using varied words and sentences is that your writing becomes more engaging, interesting, and fascinating to the reader.

Clarity and Conciseness

At the heart of a good read is clarity of thought. Your ideas should not be vague to confuse the reader. Go for simple words that won’t require a reader to have a dictionary by the side before understanding your message. In addition, your phrases and sentences should not be wordy if you’re looking to have the perfect logical flow in your writing. Simplicity and straightforwardness are words that best describe this aspect of achieving a perfect logical flow in writing.


Consistency wraps around keeping to the storyline or subject matter in terms of the language and tone of choice when writing. Knowing who your readers are is important for this. It lets you choose between the formal and informal language styles and the tone suitable for the subject under view. Think about the type of imagery you are painting and stick to it throughout the entire write-up.

Your Audience

Every written subject is directed to a specific audience. To have a perfect flow in your writing, the age range, gender, and other features will count to help you direct your messages effectively. Note that the way and manner you address a teenager is not going to be the same way you talk to a 40-year-old. Knowing who your audience is helps to create that needed connection to communicate effectively in writing. Keep in mind that your audience is key in your writing journey.

On your journey to creating a perfect logical flow in your writing, endeavor to stay consistent in your subject area; use strong topic sentences to capture your readers' interest; transition effectively to link sentences; adopt varied sentences and words, and apply concise wordings. If you can do all these, issues with creating a perfect logical flow in your writing will be a thing of the past!

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This is really interesting....I took my time to read so i can also adjust in my writing skills. Of course there is always a sequence one need to follow to capture the reader to the screen and to bring out the anxiousness to know what the next paragraph would be all about.
I learnt few things here and am happy you shared this.
Found this article through @dreemport so glad it crossed my path!