I am guilty of doing most of the things mentioned here wrongly.
As a matter of saying NO, I just started doing it last week, and I have seen great improvement. This morning, a friend asked me to do something for him, and I almost said yes to my dismay.
Then I breathe in, and gave him a No, and found my heart stopped beating fast, and was glad
On the issue of setting time to tasks, I am guilty too. But now, I will start having a run down of things I have to do, and if I don't finish them, I won't beat myself up too much
Thank you very much for all of these.
It all comes with analyzing your flow. If that demands along with your energy, timing, and other resources, along with your will, caring...then it's easier to comply with them. If not, choosing yourself over different other matters, is - for sure - the best thing that nobody should feel guilty about.
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