In the emerging era of AI and things like ChatGPT the concept of Proof of Brain becomes more challenging to measure...

in Proof of Brain2 years ago

I like the Proof of Brain concept a lot. I prefer it over Proof of Work, and Proof of Stake quite a bit. The problem with it is that it relies on us to decide that thought and brain power went into creating works. Now in the era of ChatGPT and other AI projects this concept may be nearing an end.


How do you measure proof of brain when someone could crank out an article crafted by ChatGPT, a video, a piece of art, etc.?

I also have witnessed the problems with Proof of Stake. Proof of Stake does avoid the energy requirements and is faster to validate than proof of work. However, Proof of Stake comes with its own set of problems. It makes it very easy for early adopters, those in the right place at the right time, and those willing to throw money at it to monopolize the power of the platform. Once they have established their monopoly the Proof of Stake mechanism goes into a cycle of reinforcing and growing their power. If they play it correctly they can accelerate that and in terms of the ecosystem running PoS they become like Gods. They become the ruling class. Pulling them from this perch is not something they can be elected/voted out of. Having that stake is not a measure of their good intentions or what type of person they are.

Every Proof of Stake and even Delegated Proof of Stake platform I have participated in to date ends up devolving into some kind of plutocracy. Yet as long as the chain remains popular they are effectively an unassailable plutocracy. They cannot be challenged. In fact, if you challenge them in some platforms they can silence or digitally destroy a person.

This leads me to thinking that ultimately Proof of Work despite its short comings may actually be the better way to go. Yet it too could be monopolized as long as larger workers groups could receive the bulk of transactions. Even with that it seems far more difficult to silence and censor people in a Proof of Work environment. For some the energy usage might be the biggest negative for Proof of Work. I see this as something we can overcome easily if we are not taken in by the green con. I think the biggest problem for Proof of Work tends to be in the execution time. Proof of Stake is so much faster and easier to scale.

Anyway, this is a short post about something that just happened to currently be on my mind/brain. As far as proof of brain... This was not written by AI. I have not yet used AI to generate any works.

I am considering implementing it for NPC dialog in some games, but that is about the only place I have considered it for myself.