It always starts with a dream!!! Why haven't you sold anything? You don't have to wait to realize your dream. There are places that will happily display your work, even a craft fair, although, with your job, the hours would probably be a problem.
I admire your tenacity! A lesser person you will never be. I would love to see a post on a variety of your work.
Stop listening to other people. You are worthy of the life you were meant for, nobody else should be steering your boat. I mean that as a compliment. 💗
Thank you so much Denise, your words inspire me so much !I appreciate , because I feel you truly meant them 🤗 Sending you love from Romania🤗
I truly do. I hope they inspire you to do what you are meant to. You will make your way there and I hope that I get to see that with my own eyes. xoxo