You poked my heart.

in Proof of Brain3 years ago (edited)

Today, I re-watched the most profound (and most adorable) video - probably on the entire internet. Yep. ENTIRE internet. (even better than the other two, @nineclaws lol) I'll give the link at the bottom, you WON'T want to miss it. I've watched it about 10 times, and I love it more each time. But before we get there, let me just give you the insight gleaned from the two protagonists.

Wet Weather

A little boy and girl are arguing about the weather.

Here is what we can all agree on: Water is descending from the sky to the ground. Whatever you want to call that - we can agree that it is wet outside.

The little boy thinks, "It's SPRINKLING outside."

The little girl thinks, "It's RAINING outside."

We can all relate to this, right? We have all gotten into so many unnecessary arguments where we are SAYING THE SAME THING, but using different words. But we are so intent on being "THE RIGHT ONE", that we focus on the semantics. Our passion becomes showing where we are correct, and more importantly - where the other person is flawed.

Supreme High Court of Mommies

They bring in expert testimony.

As the argument persists, their voices get louder. The little boy even tries to put his hands on the little girl's cheeks to make sure he's got her full attention. 😂 They literally go back and forth with the same argument OVER AND OVER, getting more intense, until......

The little girl declares "MY MOMMY says it's RAINING outside."

The boy, having his OWN expert witness and not to be outsmarted says...

"NO, MY MOMMY says it's SPRINKLING outside."

The funniest part to me is... another little girl off camera joins in the mix from THIS POINT TO THE END OF THE VIDEO... saying "my mom says... my mom says... my mom says..." LOLOL I don't think ANYONE acknowledges this little voice from the peanut gallery throughout the ENTIRE video - but that doesn't stop her. She is going to ADD TO THE MIX with her voice, and damnit - someone is gonna hear her! LOLOLOL

Don't worry little girl, I heard you - I don't know what your point was - but I heard your voice! hhahaaha

Can you relate??? 🤣

Let's get ready to rumble! lol

And now it's time to throw hands! 👊

When words don't make the impact they want, the first punch is thrown. And they are probably 3 years old - so the "punch" is more of a finger tapped to the cheek.

A defiant and dramatic "OOOOOUCH!!!" is heard

followed by another voice - "SAY SORRY TO HIM!!"

Of course, the sorry never comes, because THERE IS AN ARGUMENT THAT NEEDS TO BE WON! LOLOL As things get heated, more heated, and overheated... a friend gets in between them, and simply says:

"Stop, stop, stop."

But, they can't stop. They are too invested now. They need a winner to be declared, they need resolution, they need JUSTICE TO BE SERVED!!!! so ..... it persists!!! LOLOLOL

Oh yea, how about this?


  • No, it's not.
  • Yes, it is.
  • No, it's not.
  • Yes, it is.

............... No, you're pretty! 🤣

When he can't get her to back down with the raw aggressiveness of his radiating 3 year old masculinity, he resorts to accessing his softer side and complimenting her beauty. hahahahahahaha

But... alas, she will have none of that. She will neither be dissuaded nor distracted. For the love of all that is good and holy, IT. IS. RAINING!


You aren't, but I am.

jab, jab, sidestep, counterpunch!

He made no headway with the last strategy, so now the boy makes a brilliant move - one that we adults STILL USE today. He makes this amazing statement that shows that the art of debate is not something we learn as adults. No, my friends, we are BORN with this gift LOL

He says. "And you're not real. I'm real."

And there it is, ladies and gentlemen. With six words, he has not only declared that he is right, and that she is wrong - but he has denied that her very existence matters. LOLOLOLOL

Tell me that you are not seeing this in our DAY TO DAY lives right now. I'm laughing so hard, because IT IS SO TRUE, and it's coming out of the mouths of babes!!! LOL

It's all over. Say goodnight.

KO - it's over!!! It's over!!!! The champ has fallen and he is not getting up!

In the most shocking turn of events this decade, the boy slips and admits that it IS rain, only to quickly falter and say it is NOT raining. His opponent, Maisy, takes the opportunity to go for the knockout! She restates that it is INDEED raining and then.....

She pokes him once emphatically in the chest, to drive home her solid point.

At this moment, the video takes a very dramatic turn. The boy's eyes quietly fill with unshed tears, as he quietly says.

"you poked my heart."

And that is where every human being takes a little shaky breath.

Because even though she poked his CHEST - what he FELT was that her entire PRESENCE poked his HEART. And how often do we ALL do this? We walk around spitting out debates and claiming that our way is the right way, and then - we poke hearts.

It's evident that we do. Because there is heart carnage all around us, and we are tiptoeing through the bloody minefield that we've created. I'm sure THEY worked it out over milk and cookies, and it was all forgotten by naptime.

If anyone wants to do the same, the cookies are fresh out of my oven and naptime is in 2 hours. 😍😘🤣 I do so love this crazy place, and all the people on it that make us a very dysfunctional, but surviving family.

By the way - the sound of rain on my roof is unreal right now, and I'm SO THANKFUL that it's DRENCHING the forest. I hope by the end of the day - NO FIRE will remain!

and yes - it's not sprinkling, or raining.... it's POURING! 😝

If you want to see the video in its beauty... PLEASE CLICK HERE and watch it. I think you'll love it and I hope it pokes your heart in all the right ways! 👉❤️

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Can we talk soon? Please?🙏



Hehehhee yes!!! around tomorrow???

Hi, been working outside all day...
I'll just try to call you sometime?

yes - but the house number please - or else we have to deal with delays and bad connection

we are out now - and will be gone for part of the week next week for staff retreat - but should be back home on Thursday!

!LUV this Dreems. You got me with this clip and your write-up. I could almost feel my own lip turning up and quivering with him. I think this is a lesson for everyone to make sure we don't go around poking hearts IRL or here on Hive. Sometimes it is hard to find a way through on this platform though when you feel you need to voice something to someone in order to help them and have no idea how they will take it or how to deliver the message without poking their heart just a little, but you can just see that unless somebody says something, they will continue to keep hitting their head against a brick wall in trying to make progress. I personally value constructive criticism on my own posts as it helps me to grow as an author and I find it hard when I see some people constantly just praise praise praise an author's work when it clearly needs development and I feel a few pointers would help them so much more in improving their craft. I try very hard in these cases to highlight some positives first in a post and then say what small change would have allowed me personally to gain so much more (mostly in creative fiction). I am no expert reviewer lol but some things jump out at me. We need to be encouraging and supporting new authors on Hive but also providing honest feedback too which will enable them to learn and grow until they can stand on their own two feet and fly the nest.

I love that style and try to employ it always... give the encouragement first - then... gently with the critique.

but i've found that so many people really love both. most people WANT to grow and recognize that they only will do so - when they can see other options to choose.

poking hearts .... it's all a matter of the heartpoker - hahahaha

if the heartpoker is aggressive and authoritarian... good luck with anything in life with that attitude hahahaha

if the heartpoker pokes with love as the fuel... ahhh deep sigh :) the way its supposed to be


Oh for goodness sake lol!! I know the mindset, and value, of where you are coming from. But after I watched that video... you got me in the feels yo!! Call it the Dad, or grandpa in me... God love those kids...

Kids keep it real, don't they? Let's all try to remember not to poke each other's hearts aye?


Poke with love not fingers or fists.

!LUV !giphy Yes!






@nineclaws, you've been given LUV from @wesphilbin.

Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. (8/10)

Awww, Wes, thank you for poking me with love! ❤️🤗

love that! :) and it can be done. i mean - love is just a conscious choice to put the other person first and swallow our pride.

i'm not saying its easy hahahahaha
but it CAN be done.

#PokeWithLove heheheheheh

Absolutely it can be done, once shelving our ego's mad mind mutterings about what it wants...I call it the "I wantys". It's not easy as you say, call it "training", LOL. I'm in "training" every day.


Ain't we all. LOLOLOL

oh my gosh - i had a video talking about that a week ago - my son used to watch all the commercials on the cartoon networks - (this is when we still had tv)

and at the end of EVERY commercial he would yell


every- single - commercial Hahahaha

he was 3 at the time? and now he is 27 and we still say it!!!! we had to tell him - no... you WANT that.

the "I wantsys" are very different than the "I needsys" huh? LOLOLOLOL

i'm in training with you lady.

That's so funny, LOLOL. Yes, needs are very different. Basics work for me, food, clean water, shelter, my own medicine, warmth and hopefully some others of like mind to enjoy company and share. That sums up my needs. Wantys are few, but they still pop up and then get the smack down. These days, that's become the easiest thing to do. 😉

i'm in training with you lady.

I read that in your words that you speak and also in the spaces between those words. It's something I look for in others. 😉

Thank you for seeing my heart ☺️

I also find my kindred spirits... Hint hint hehehe

right?!?!?!?! LOLOLOLOL

i laughed and cried - and its been 3 years - and when someone in our house says something that's like - funny, but kinda sarcastic? we always say... "you poked my heart!"

and then all bust up laughing hahahahahahahahahahaha

yes - let's try to remember!!!! we only get one heart - why poke someone's?!?! lol






@dreemsteem, you've been given LUV from @wesphilbin.

Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. (6/10)

So, today we have lots of little people in big

hahahahahaha basically!!!!

we need big people to step up ;) hehehehe

so we can all follow their lead! LOL


Wow, I have to say, you really pour, not sprinkle or rain, some of the most beautiful words I read on here. You paint full living colour experiences with your words in a really special way. You touch my heart with this. I watched the video too. 🤗❤️

was the video not the cutest thing ever????hehehehe

i FELT that poke!!! hahaha sweet boy! awww he melted me!

Isn't it so funny how we can just see adults doing this too? i mean - in adult words - but childish mannerisms LOL

p.s HI HONEY :)

Yes, how could you not feel that POKE. I see adults do this every day and I watch myself for such behaviours every day at the same time.

HI back at you, from rain all day, all night, must be rain connecting today. 😂

hahaha haha, I hAd a fight like this when I was younger. Then I just learnt how to speak new English"its drizzling". I didn't stop using that even when the rain was an outpour.

One good thing about kids is that their quarrel ends quickly and forgotten easily.
Nice reading through ma

Hahahaha it's very true! They will drop the argument and it's back to love very quickly!!! Lol

It takes adults much longer hehe

Glad you enjoyed it!!!

I need to see.if you wrote something for me to read today!

Sure ma. My phone fell and became blind but everything hAs been taken care of. In the next one hour, you will tagged ma.thanks for checking on me

hehehe sure :)

i will go read it very soon!

Ok I don't want to react about the video (though it's super cute!), I like to subvert expectations 😆, I am going to react on the fact that you did not put the link of the video embedded but a hyperlink instead, I like that, it means that you aren't riding someone else's content, but that we are getting some 100% FAIR USE journalism with your interpretation, and that's how much you respect the material in the first place, it also shows a huge amount of humility, lot's of people just put YT links and call it as their own (I kinda do with MMA stuffs but provide 1000 words of my own perspective in between videos)

Is the fire out yet?

subvert expectations. LOLOLOLOLOLOL

i love it. i usually predict everything, and I didn't predict that. keep it coming! hhahahahaha

and i don't know if the fire is out - but I'll probably know later today. I seriously can't imagine that its still burning after all that rain though hahahaha

also... want to know something weird??? I smell "burnt" in the air all the time. and its NOT from the fires. no one else smells it. I've been smelling it for about 10 days now? and turns out - some people recovering from CoVID smell weird things... burnt, rotting, etc.

For 2 days, I smelled "rotting" in the air - and I kept looking to see who left something out in the kitchen?? garbage needed to be taken out?/ where is this smell coming from!

then that went away - and then about 5 days later - the "burnt" settled in.

its driving me crazy!!!! i can smell it so strongly it's coating the back of my throat! LOLOL

i asked people on hive who had recovered - they smelled strange things too. someone smelled "mildewy mushrooms" ughhhhhhhh she said that everything she ate tasted like old socks - gross!!!!!!!!

so i guess i got off lucky hahahahaha

anyway - fire... smoke... burnt.

that's how my mind works hahahaha sorry for the tangent LOLOL

(and yeah - hahaha I have put YT vids up but i don't know - seemed more appropriate to send people there hahaha)

The last line made me smile @dreemsteem . Actually more than smile, I laughed somehow.
It reminded me of a poem by khalil Jibran in which he told about a quarrel over something but it ended up where a third party let them realize that the argument was over the same path. Whatsoever they see it the path is the same so why to quarrel. Anyways....

My mom says shows the reason behind the dispute. It is the reason behind every dispute. What our society and early learning instilled in us becomes our strong belief. There is often nothing like right or wrong. It is only about where we stand.

I commented on this last night - and now the comment is missing :(

but... basically - i was agreeing hehehehe

too often we are arguing over the exact same point hehehe - maybe this little video will help us breathe and agree before we poke someone's heart LOL

This disappear thing is happening to me too at times

That's exactly what happens between D and I, the kids and I
We are on the same side, championing the same thing, but because the words used and translated and processed by the other - it becomes this ridiculous argument that just keeps getting louder and louder with a whole lotta "I said" and "You said" hahaha

And then you are angry and it is all for nought!!

So happy that it is raining
Rain rain, come Dreemie's way
And chase those bloody fires away!!

And yay!!!! So good to see you around again :D

hehehe yes! I got #1 on the engagement league this week!!! first time ever!!!!!!!!!!!! i couldn't believe it!! :) so i'm glad to be back around too heheh

and yes - the rain was amazing - i can't wait to share it for tomorrow's wednesdaywalk! hehehehehe

laughing about the arguments that you and D have. I think its a pre-requisite for all married couples to do this hahahahahahahahaha

Totally your thing and am not surprised at all
You are the queen of engagement ;D

hahahahaa i don't think i'm the queen - but i'll wear the crown for a week or two and then bow out gracefully and let someone else have fun! but it is really quite an accomplishment for me to hit that !!! hehehehe

I have tried and the closest I have come is too 10, not even top 5
So to all who make it there, I salute because it really and truly is a labour of love ❤️

I really only think that I got that high because the former people left the list to give others a chance hehehe

So I will be planning on doing the same if I hit #1 for 2-3 weeks in a row.

Cuz I'm a chatterbox hahahhahaa (and having fun again) lol and I want others to have a chance to get up there too! Hehehe so... We will see...but this coming week I'll actually be on staff retreat for several days, so I probably won't be #1 next week at all hahaha

Awesome writing thank you very much for sharing this post and I absolutely died of laughter.

Amazing job and I'm definitely going to have to follow you!

Really appreciate your content thank you very much and have a nice day.

hahahahaha so glad you enjoyed it!!!! LOL

wasn't it funny but sad ?!?!? ahahaha

when his eyes filled with tears at the end - i was like awwwwww LOLOLOL

she really poked his heart!!! hahahaha

thanks for coming to check me out :)

I am not in the feels after watching this video. I notified my 3 and 4 year old earlier this morning that I forgot to get more milk last night for their chocolate milk this morning. I was berated by my kids because they needed their favorite morning drink to fight ghosts and monsters. I am a horrible human being, lol. They'll survive.

Posted via

ROFLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL I guess this video was a bit too soon for you hahahahahahahaha

hey - can you try to get it together and make sure their milk is ready for tomorrow??? PLEASE!!! 😂

yes - they will live. but i don't know. if you can't fight ghosts and monsters properly since you didn't get that milk..... maybe they WONT survive hahahahahahahahaha

Well, my wife bought my 4yo a Ghost Busters proton blaster and she got my 3yo a fire breathing dragon. So, my youngest takes his dragon with him to brush his teeth. First he tells the dragon why it needs its teeth brushed and then brushes it. Afterwards, he moves to his own. My oldest paves the way to a safe brushing activity by removing the ghosts in the area. The chocolate milk helps them get big and strong to keep fighting monsters. And then they use the same excuse to get daddy to sleep in their room with them at night. You know, I've never done a intro article into the POB community. I should share pictures of the first time my youngest saw the ocean. His big brother even held his hand when the water covered his feet.

And then ....a post needs to be made about this amazing ritual!!!!!! Lololol

I'm not sure about that as it may crash the Hive servers due to cuteness overload.

Hahahahhaa do it!!! There can never be enough cute on Hive! 😂😂😂

That is nice.

well, i did ask for it. 😁

you're nice 😏

Such an interesting read cute but sad at the same time funny or not so funny we see the same scenario play out with adults all the time people arguing while saying exactly the same thing n different ways often y try o the pony where one or other looses their cool

Ps are you sure it’s pouring I read somewhere it is bucketing down

bucketing???? noooooooooo its pouring!!!!

my mom says so!!!


Lmao 🤣 but I will stop there
I forgot to say congratulations on number 1spot in the engagement league way to go

Thanks!!!!! I don't know how that happened!!!!! Lololol

But I'm so excited hehehe

I know the first time I hit number one I did a happy dance

Celebrate you did awesome

Thank you!!!! Heheheh engage an app.

I can't remember

Most welcome

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