I LOVE motivating people - but if they don't have SOME kind of motivation on their own - my gosh hahahahaha it makes the job almost terrible for me LOL
Its KEY that they have their own inspiration and drive! I love how Jon broke it down into a daily achievable goal!!!! that is fantastic!!! hehehe i do that too - i make the goal I want to HIT (and give it a date) and then i work backwards and set markers for milestones. that way i know when i've jumped ahead a bit and can celebrate - or when i've gone off course and need to adjust!
as always - fantastic post! hehe
I can truly associate with that! But I also have the motto that you can only help those who want to be helped. You cannot help someone who doesn't want to be helped.
It's like the saying goes "you take a horse to the water, but you cannot make him drink..."
Yes, those milestones (or anything to measure your progress by) is crucial! I absolutely believe in it!
Thank you for the kind words. I really do appreciate it!
hehehe you're welcome!
oh you'll like this. my pastor used to say this
"You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink. BUT YOU CAN PUT A LOT OF SALTS IN THEIR OATS"
HAHAHAHAHAHA isnt' that great?!?!?!
also - before you go to bed tonight - check the new room I created for you and the others :)
if you can't find it - send me a DM and I'll direct you there!
I LOVE THIS!!! Awesome!!
I'll check to see the new room, thank you! I appreciate everything you do!