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RE: Living with 11 voices in my head

in Proof of Brain4 years ago

hahahahahahahahahaha that's exactly what i said below... hahahahahaha

There was no effort coming up with those characters.

They were practically begging to be put on the world stage (and some have already spent a lot of time in the public hahahahaha)

the other voices are pretty upset with me now, they want to know when its their time to shine.

I told them - we'll see how well they behave this week LOL

some have agreed.
some are mysteriously quiet.

I think I smell a mutiny cooking. hahahahahaha


The most confusing thing to me is the people who don't know how to tune out the bad voices.

ahhh well.. I'll have to say I'm one of those, every so often.

I'm learning how to keep them at bay. But for years - they would just take over for about 4 weeks (in a 6 month period)

but learning how to recognize the signs that those voices are getting stronger has let me battle much more efficiently hehe

i'm 45 - so... it was about time ;)

What's the voice sound like you're reading this response with right now?

oh - i'm in the good phase right now.

can't you tell? hehehe

when i'm laughing it's a sign that all is right in the brain of Dreem.

actually - that's not true.
I know how to fake it well during those hard times.

but the people that know me well, know when the laughter doesn't ring clear. not sure how they do that. hehehe but they're sneaky watchers ;)

It's funny because @dandays and you have a similar logo, so it looks like you are having an internal conversation haha


yes we do!!!!!!!!! LOL

maybe he is one of the voices in my head?!?!? LOL

I think I smell a mutiny cooking. hahahahahaha

Hahahahahah I think we will all tune in for the sequel 😃


this should be very fun! hehehehe

thank you for laughing with me today!!!!! hehehehe

I wonder what Tiger will say when she wakes up :) ... Great video by the way :) Do you often have a meeting with yourselves?