It makes sense to downvote spammers/plagiarists/abusers, but the notion of an "overrewarded post" is plain stupid and ridiculous. What is an overrewarded post? Who set the bar? Is there a consensus on the limit? Was it a thing when acidyo and friends were reaping hundreds of STEEM/HIVE for their own daily shitposts, upvoted by automated whale bots? Do you remember that berniesanders with his daily shitposts (literally, posting dick and poo picks) milking $500-$600 each? Did acidyo, themarkymark, smooth, blocktrades, and other super whales downvote him? Nooooooo, not a single one of them lifted a finger or wanted to confront the #1 abuser. On one hand I totally disagreed with bernie's posts, and even flagged many of them, but on the other hand he intentionally demonstrated how broken this system is. The whales readily flex their muscles against the little man for making an extra buck. I guess the rules don't apply to them, the old adage remains true: do what I say, don't do what I do. So, you know what I think about the self-righteous whales, to put it mildly, they can go make love to themselves.
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Wonderful! I'm convinced that this
might be the best comment I'll get
all day. Your A-Okay, me Ninja! 👌
I've been a witness for 4 years, never had a super stake to make an impact, but everyone that knows me know very well how I fought hard for the interest of the small users. One big incident was involving that jackass grumpycat flagging everyone left and right (and berniesanders of course), I was the only witness that actively countered grumpycat's abusive actions, despite my small stake, we had a little group that organized a resistance. The whales, again, never lifted a finger to help; and believe me, I asked many of them.
Yeah I'm sure your autovotes with free delegated stake did wonders for this chain.
I'm sure I wasn't posting every day and getting $100's of rewards for it. When I posted most of the time, it was useful tools for witnesses and technical stuff, unlike your streaming games...
Yeah cause gaming is such a small part of the internet, god forbid I try to get gamers to join a p2e platform.
I don't see any value with someone streaming for hours what they're playing on their computer. But that's just me.
Yes that's understandable that you don't get it. You're probably one of those who thinks e-sports isn't a real sport.
The chain needs more people of that caliber.
Pretty shitty that the whales wouldn't help!Damn, well thank you for doing that, @drakos!
Maybe there's other reasons they felt I should get some extra rewards for things I did for Hive in the form of post rewards. It's cute you think I abused that with shitposts, though.
Tell your little men that they should provide some value to deserve autovotes cause to me it doesn't matter who's doing it, I downvoted korean abusers who retaliated on me with 50m sp for months so I'm not one to shy away when I see overrewarded posts, I even downvote my own. It's not a flex thing and I barely downvote unless that person is being a complete dumbass on top of it all like most people you're talking to here, but I guess you're not that far off.
Ah so you stream gaming videos to get rewarded for your other unrelated efforts, I'll try to remember that. And your efforts are more worthy (because you're doing something for the blockchain) than the efforts of authors who spend hours researching topics and writing about them and getting rewarded for them. Besides, the autovoters issue has been revisited countless times that it gets boring, but in a nutshell, many people don't have time to curate, so they select a list of users whom they like the content and autovote. Others prefer to curate manually. Nothing wrong with any of those approaches. Besides, when 10 "good" whales decide to upvote a certain author, wouldn't that qualify as overrewarded? I'd like to see you downvote those one day. But if rancho or haejin upvote someone, all heaven breaks loose. Stop being a hypocrite.
You don't stream gaming videos, the stream is the video, you play live or post a recording of gameplay which is a video. Unless you meant video games.
I'm way more likely to reward someone with stake who isn't just an author providing nothing else of value, not even interacting, socializing or attempting to bring in any traffic to hive compared to someone who also actively curates. Curating isn't autovoting, it's not just clicking a button and rewarding someone, it's a shame you even use that word with your autovotes. If 10+ people were to reward someone consistently on content no one is consuming or reacting to then yes I would downvote it, especially if that's all that user does is rake in rewards without providing hive any other sort of value.