There are scientists who investigate the so-called MIRROR NEURONS in our brain, which have the function of making us feel what another human being feels, that is, to be empathetic, has it ever happened to you that someone yawns and you automatically do it involuntarily? ? That is what I mean, for that reason it is so easy to raise our voices when we argue, as for example when the husband, father or brother or another person shouts, we also shout in an "automatic" response, well I quote the wise Solomon in his book: Gentle response deflects anger, but harsh words kindle spirits. Proverbs 15-1.
It is good to practice self-control, that is, in that precise moment of the discussion where you want to explode like popcorn and scream even louder responding, take a deep breath and count slowly to 100, inhaling and exhaling gently. (Count to 1000 if necessary) and provide a calm and calm response, thus avoiding thousands of problems
Did you know that a warm smile can thaw the ice of hatred that occurs in the heart? A kind and peaceful response neutralizes the most Iraqi opponent, I share an open secret that my wise father always says: "to argue you need two or more" so if you decide not to fight, there are no ways to generate a conflict, that is why I invite you to take control of your life, having the willpower, to control your anger when talking, remember that words are like water once spilled on the floor you can pick it up with a sponge and return it to the glass. But it will not be the same amount or the same purity, since it will be dirty, cloudy and in less quantity.
This is how our words are when we argue, they are hurtful sometimes inappropriate and once we say them there is no way to pick them up or retract them without mitigating the wound caused, you can ask for forgiveness but the damage is already done and the wound in the soul and heart is already a fact, so let's use VERBAL PROPHYLAXIS (I call this the fact of saving the hurtful thoughts that go through our minds when we are upset) avoiding them from becoming lethal verses that often hurt more than a punch.
Do a recommended self-control exercise and let me know how it went.
How did self-control flow into your life?
Praying, meditating or whatever you want to call it for 20 minutes in the morning for a week. Evaluate the results. I say goodbye staying tuned to read the response of your experience Dra Irina Gonzalez L. In Tune with life.