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RE: The Attention Epidemic

in Proof of Brain4 years ago

You must really Care about education a lot.

Another way to tackle this issue is making class more interesting and beneficial

I totally agree with you on this. In my view I think the use of laptops and phones should also be used in learning, the lecturer could ask the students to view a certain video on their phones, then Explain as they watch.
But the sad truth is this, no matter how interesting or short you make the class, there must still be those who get bored, this is simply because they have made up their minds not to learn.

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Thanks for the comment. What if we enabled students to take less classes, and the ones they do take could be on topics they are truly passionate about? A lot of the beauty of school is lost in classes that are not interesting to certain people. If students could only take classes they really cared about, then possibly the issue could be fixed?

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What if we enabled students to take less classes, and the ones they do take could be on topics they are truly passionate about?

You actually have a point here, because being passionate about the topic makes you give it your undivided attention.

But then don't you think if students take only classes they are passionate about, they might not be able to cover everything they need to know for their Career of choice

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