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RE: I'm hosting a Contest!

in Proof of Brain4 years ago

My hobby is writing satire - both stories and everyday observance posts here on my blog.
Blogging allows me to flex my creative muscles, lately I've started creating comics and other visuals to make it more entertaining. I started back in 2017, but a year later, due to time constraints, I left it
How do I find the time? Sacrificing some sleep


Earlier in the year, I was going through a difficult time, my friends suggested going back to something that made me happy and I came back.
One of my greatest joys is having people read my blog and respond to the comments on it.

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Blogging is creativity. You need a fresh and peaceful mind to blog. I am not able to do that easily because I don't really have a very creative mind there but it's a commendable job if you are able to do it. Would love to read your satires some day. Let me know where can I find them.

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