Your identity in the future

Greetings to all the readers of this community. I want to thank all readers for their votes and comments. On this occasion I want to talk to you about the identity that we must have in the future.
In a social term, identity is something that represents us all in the world and people can know who we are and where we come from, we knew that there are three phases of identity since we are born, I explain how I have reached your conclusion?

Just like life, life has different colors of situations and problems, the times of our life have an identity since one is born.
When we are born we have an identity that has measured time and begins to be written as a file. Everything has to be written but our identity is the same, the identity of a child from 5 to 12 years old is an identity that can be corrected and begins to be seen by all social groups.
Children when they are born tend to absolve everything they see and hear, it is one of the ways in which children develop an identity. This identity begins at home and the parents are the presenters of this presentation of a class with the development of a child's identity, in the same way it is with young people 15 years and older, all young people in full growth in the knowledge of life .

When we develop an identity for the future, it has to do with many things that have happened to us in the past and in the present. But why the past and the present?

When we have in mind what we want in the future, we have the duty to see our past to see the things we have done wrong to correct it for the present and the future we cannot stumble twice over the same stone we have to see the obstacles that may arise in the future and that is why we must see the past in order to remedy everything in the future.

When we have our eyes on the future, we must first have faith and a lot of tolerance for everything that can be presented in the middle of time. We ourselves create our own identity does not have to be other people.

I hope this article will be useful to all of you…

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