Greetings to all readers of the HIVE community. I am a grateful person and that is why every day I thank you all for your support and sincere friendship. I also want to thank you for each of your comments and your votes, each of your comments is very valuable and I treasure each one in my heart and in my mind.
Today I want to talk about the fruit and it is the avocado and that it has a great high component of both my mineral and vitamin. But I also want through this informative article to give you a brief advice and opinion. When we have problems or start to grow we have two three times.
When we are born we are initiator and the fruit begins to be born in fruit is not visible. In the same way, it is when we are born that our fruit is not visible and in the same way it is when the fruit is green, it is not known that it is ripe and there are people in this state, people who have a good size (good social or economic status) but have not matured in life, but there are people who have matured and do not have this social or economic position as those people. We know that in life everything is not rosy and it is not easy either, but I have always said that the reward is in the sacrifice.
Avocado Information:
The avocado, fruit of the avocado tree (Persea americana), belongs to the Lauraceae family, made up of woody plants that grow in warm climates and which include aromatic plants such as laurel, camphor and cinnamon.
Where does your name come from? Its origin is located in Central America, in the areas of Mexico, Guatemala and the Antilles. The name derives from the Aztec ahuacatl, which means "testicle", probably due to its shape, and hence its fame as an aphrodisiac.
The Spaniards called it "pear of the Indies". It has, in fact, a pear shape, hard and dark skin, and houses a single round and large seed inside. The flesh is creamy, green or pale yellow in color, with a flavor reminiscent of hazelnuts.
As there are so many varieties with different harvesting times, avocados can be found on the market both in winter and in summer. Currently you can find avocados of national production and with the endorsement of organic farming.
Avocado Properties
The composition of the avocado makes it an extraordinary food that has more followers every day. The properties of avocado are multiple:
Loaded with healthy fat

The most curious nutritional aspect of avocado is that, being a fresh fruit, its main component is not carbohydrates, but fats, which constitute 23% of its weight.
And the best thing is that they are fats of the healthiest type: monounsaturated, like those in olive oil.
Rich in vitamin E
Like other fatty foods, it stands out above all for its vitamin E, which protects the cell membrane and its nucleus, which can prevent the development of degenerative diseases such as cancer. About 100 g of avocado provide 25% of what is needed per day.
minerals and vitamins
They also provide 22% of the daily needs for vitamin C, some provitamin A and a variety of minerals (potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, copper and zinc).
Avocado Benefits
Avocado is suitable for all stages of life and only overweight people should moderate their intake. Due to the many benefits of avocado, its regular consumption is highly recommended. These are the main benefits of avocado:

  1. Authentic and healthy vegetable butter
    Due to the creaminess of the pulp that gives it its richness in fat, the avocado spreads easily, which makes it a healthy vegetable butter, an excellent alternative to industrial margarines.
    Its nutritional composition makes it a practically essential food in high-fat vegetable diets, such as ketogenic.
  2. Heart health
    Avocado not only lacks cholesterol, but tends to reduce it if it is high. That is why its consumption is adequate to prevent the appearance of problems such as atherosclerosis (lack of flexibility of the arterial walls) or coronary diseases (angina pectoris or myocardial infarction).
    Unsaturated fats in avocado normalize cholesterol, reducing LDL or "bad" and increasing HDL or "good"
  3. Recommended for athletes and pregnant women
    It is a key food for those who practice sports, be it a child, young person or adult. It provides very suitable nutrients for cases of muscular overactivity (especially minerals such as potassium and magnesium), as well as energy wasting (rich in lipids and carnitine, which helps its use).
    Pregnant women, or those who want to be, can turn to avocado as a complementary source of energy and folic acid, a vitamin that helps prevent premature births, as well as defects in the formation of the brain and spinal cord.
    In addition, as it contains vitamin A, it fortifies the eyes, skin and bones of the future baby.
    how to eat avocado
    The avocado is a very unique fruit, with unique characteristics that make it an excellent ally in the kitchen.
    It provides unctuousness and consistency to many recipes, and can be used interchangeably in the preparation of sweet desserts and savory dishes, either as a fruit or as a vegetable.
    Using avocado in the kitchen is very simple, but it has the drawback that the pulp oxidizes easily on contact with air.
    How to ripen an avocado
    For the fruit to fully ripen, it should be left for a few days in a dark place at between 15 and 24ºC, but it should not be put in the fridge before it ripens, as this damages it and prevents it from doing so.
    At room temperature, avocados ripen in 3 to 4 days. A trick to speed up the process can be placed in a paper bag next to an apple or banana.
    How to know if it's ripe
    It is known that the avocado is ripe if it yields to gentle pressure with the fingers, although it is preferable not to touch it too much, as it deteriorates easily.
    Another way to tell is to gently shake it. If you can feel the bone shaking inside, it means that it is ready to eat. From that moment it can be stored in the fridge to stop the maturation and keep it for a few days.
    Avocado, like other tropical fruits, cannot withstand very low temperatures, so it is not recommended to freeze it or refrigerate it below 4ºC.
    Prevent rust with lemon
    To prevent it from turning black due to this oxidation, it is necessary to add an acidic ingredient such as lemon or lime juice, or wrap it in a plastic film or plastic wrap that does not allow oxygen to pass through.
    To peel it, cut the fruit longitudinally with the help of a very sharp knife until reaching the seed, turn both halves against each other, as if you were going to open a container, and separate. The bone is then removed and the pulp is scooped out with a spoon.
    Avocado Butter Spread
    The pulp, crushed and mixed with a dash of good olive oil and a few drops of lemon or grapefruit, is excellent spread on a few slices of wholemeal bread or crackers.
    can be cooked
    The most common way to prepare and consume avocado is raw, although, with some objections, it can also be cooked.
    Recipes that include it sautéed or baked can be found in many cookbooks. However, most cooks prefer to add it raw at the end of cooking (often in sauces, stews and soups) because prolonged cooking ends up giving it a certain bitter taste.
    On the other hand, high temperatures can transform its delicate consistency, giving it an unattractive egg-like appearance.
    Guacamole, the most successful avocado recipe
    An example of the ability to combine is guacamole, a recipe of Mexican origin made with avocado, onion, tomato, lemon and some hot spices, which can vary depending on the cook.
    This pairing of flavors, so popular in Central American countries, has helped spread the taste for avocado throughout the world.
    It can be served as an appetizer, accompanied by nachos or fried corn tortillas or as a garnish for any dish that comes to mind.
    In addition, avocado combines very well with eggs, mushrooms, olives (and their oil) and vegetables such as leeks and pumpkin, among others.
    All kinds of creams and sauces
    With the avocado as a base and any of these foods, you can prepare an infinite number of very practical creams to fill vegetables and pancakes or to give consistency to hot or cold soups.
    You can season it with cumin, garlic, coriander, basil or pepper that give it personality, although it is advisable not to abuse spices or aromatic plants so as not to drown its flavor.
    In the preparation of sauces, the avocado unfolds its full potential, although in this case it is advisable to choose the oiliest.
    Just add a little pulp to a mayonnaise or vinaigrette to elevate it to another category. Very different sauces can be created, to dress pasta dishes or to dress salads, for example.
    friend of sweets
    Its great affinity with nuts and fruits makes things much easier when creating desserts, which are delicious and very original, and can be sweetened with dried fruits, a good honey or maple syrup.
    In this way you can prepare ice creams, cakes, puddings and especially mousses, for which its honeyed texture is ideal.
    Another way to take advantage of avocado is to add it to fruit juices, especially tropical ones, or use it as a base to prepare smoothies with vegetable soy milk, oatmeal or, better yet, almonds, since avocados like the company of fruits dry.
    Purchase and preservation of avocado
    The avocado is harvested before it is ripe. In most cases, it reaches stores still green and has just matured at home.
    When buying an avocado, check that the skin does not have blackheads, spots or any sign that indicates excessive ripening.
    However, it is worth knowing that a cracked skin does not always mean that it is stale: some varieties have that appearance under normal conditions.
    Main varieties of avocado
    Up to 500 varieties are distinguished, the main of which are:
    Haas, the most commercialized, with a small oval size, dark skin and yellow pulp, available all year round.
    Bacon, available from late fall to early spring, medium size.
    Cocktail or date, elongated and pitted, grown in Israel and Spain.
    Strong, medium or large in size, thin and dull skin, and creamy flesh, grown in Africa and Spain
    Pinkerton, winter variety, elongated, with rough skin and small seed, grown especially in Israel.

Here I leave the link of the investigation:

Every fruit leaves a mark and a different experience. Everything has a process and everything has a fruit. I hope this article will be of benefit and blessings.

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