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RE: Is it me? Is it???

It's actually worse than what you think. I got that notice too, but you and I can prove our stuff because we have the information. Those who have less information to justify what they got are now behind the eight-ball. This goes for EVERYTHING that was made available -- folks who cannot prove they needed all these benefits after all are going to be a world of hurt that is going to fill the courts and jails for a long time.


IF they can find them. because what in the world??? how did they get the money without needing to prove it in the first place?? It took me forever to get approved!

and if they didn't have the documentation - then how will the government even find them??

ugh... this world. i'm so so so irritated. LOL

Folks had to put their money into a bank account, and they have a social security number. All the agencies are working together on this. IN THE END, the goal is to boot people who misuse the system out of it, PERMANENTLY. The other goal is to receive them into private prison for the felony level crime -- misappropriation of federal funds -- that it is.

Remember something, my friend ... the 13th amendment ... ratified Dec. 6 1865, but, read the fine print. Slavery is abolished in all U.S. states and territories EXCEPT in the case of felony imprisonment. IF you become a felon, you lose the rights of citizenship and will be re-enslaved. That's no longer a racial issue, ALTHOUGH my pastor was in law enforcement and said African American boys are targeted in fourth grade here in California -- jail cells are built for them then, and many other agencies tacitly allow conditions to be set so those boys as young men fill those spots. My pastor was at the meeting, and brought the paperwork to the church! But, the 13th Amendment is broad enough to catch everyone, and, if you research this, you'll quickly find that states and private prisons have contracts -- if the states don't deliver enough prisoners to the prisons, they can be SUED FOR BREACH OF CONTRACT.

Let's go one level down again -- there is an article by the Atlanta Black Star from a few years back that showed how much of things that are used every day are made by prisoner labor making between $1-4 per day. The important number for now is military equipment hovers around 90 percent. Some retail areas hover over 33 percent -- basic household furniture, for example.

FINALLY, consider this. In the early 1990s, four people now very old allied to fill those new kinds of prisons up. The catalyst was the rape of a young woman in Central Park. Five now exonerated and always innocent young men were falsely accused and convicted of the crime. Donald Trump took out ads in the New York Times to lead to this result. Hillary Clinton called that whole generation of African Americans -- my generation "super predators." Joe Biden authored one of the most unfair and draconian crime bills in history, and Bill Clinton signed it into law in 1994.

Fast forward 22 years, and don't forget the 13th Amendment is NOT RACE SPECIFIC. Trump and H. Clinton ran against each other, but REMEMBER: their position on this particular issue is THE SAME, so it does not matter that H. Clinton lost. Trump's first attorney general, Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III, restored the mandatory minimum component that the previous administration had finally set aside while Joe Biden was president -- this removes judicial discretion, so if you get convicted of certain crimes, you do certain long time, PERIOD. That was done by 2018. Covid-19 enters the scene in 2020, and President Trump put out the welcome mat for MILLIONS AND MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of people to access federal money without scrutiny ... and is succeeded as president by Joe Biden, the man who orchestrated the imprisonment of MILLIONS, and who NOW is demanding all this scrutiny!

African Americans have been shouting an alarm for centuries about how things are ... that clause in the 13th Amendment was targeted at us, but it is big enough to destroy the life of every person in the nation. Improper receipt and use of federal funds is a felony -- and so THERE IS YOUR ANSWER as to why folks were just permitted to waltz on in and pick up a felony. The United States is about to make return on investment in new chattel. We and our paperwork didn't qualify for that part, so we had to go through more to RIGHTEOUSLY access those funds and have to go through more AGAIN to keep from getting snatched up. LITERALLY in time for the holidays, or really for the start of 2022, "They're making a list, and CHECKING IT, TWICE ... gonna find out who's naughty or nice."

oh my gosh - I know someone who would love to read all this and i'm just gonna tag him and bring him here! hahahahaha

@jamerussell - i'm sure you would enjoy this and add more to it yourself! hahahaha

wow - the whole time i'm reading - just saying what? what! what?!?! lol

its really the thing that makes you just long for when this will all be over - PERMANENTLY. lol my gosh. because how do you even begin to unravel it all!?!?!?!

Where's my chainsaw when I need it??? Oh, wrong post oops. hahahahahaha!

I can't even fathom what you are going through, that is unfreaking believable. And you are definitely not an asshole, as if questioning things that should be extremely easy and logical to figure out are way out there in another dementia - I mean dimension.

I think your Fireflies are making you crosseyed - oh, wait, that's the gu'ment. I find myself not really able to say too much, I have already typed out a book er, a comment here twice, and they are too long, and on top of that, it would take me another 5 hours to finish with either one of them.

It all started when I was a wee lad, oops, wrong country...I forgot my ancestors left there...
Oh shoot, where was I?

Damn, she does have some straight white teeth, doesn't she???