And Central America. Bof'em. And Florida, too, all three of them. Cut a line at Central America and send'em floating.
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And Central America. Bof'em. And Florida, too, all three of them. Cut a line at Central America and send'em floating.
😂 I'm surprised you didn't include Canada in there.
Never heard of it.
That would be why. Erased from your brain.
I don't know why but I'm remembering Joe Biden on TV around this time last year when he was running for President. He said "When I'm elected President, I'll make sure each of you have the same medical coverage as my family" or something real close.
It's not that he's completely fulla shit, that's a given, it's the people eating out of his hand that trip me out.
I'm not sure what he is and I'm so out of the game, I don't give any of these people my attention. Too bad others keep eating the poison.
I've never him myself. That's another thing, neither have they but they act like they have, I'm done.
You've never him yourself?
All the world's a stage, everyone's an actor, but there aren't enough real jokers.