Which group are you on POB , Choose wisely.

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

There are different type of members on POB and each member intend differently. Each person has a specific objective of joining the community and this objective will actually determine your success, achivement and the extent to which You will grown on POB. The types are:


  1. Those who create content, earn POB and sell their POB directly. Most of the members beling to this type of group. Thier own objective is to create content, earn POB and sell it directly. If you fall within this group, The probability of growing big and becoming rich on POB will be zero.

  2. Those who are unable to purchase POB due to financial problem but Create Content, earn POB and stake thier POB. Many people are in this group as well. They create content and stake the POB they earn for future purpose. In this Group, there's a high chance of becoming rich on POB if they don't give up. I know one of POB members here who actually started with nothing But now , he's one of the POB whales. Also, in this type of Group, Consistency and hardworking are needed

  3. Those who purchase POB, stake it and curate Others. This group has the highest chance of becoming rich on POB within a short period of time. Most of the POB rich list are in this category. If you want to become rich quickly, join this category...

To any group you belong, try to work harder on it. If you are in first group, try to stake part of the POB you earn and curate people to earn more. If you have money to hold POB token, quickly do that as this will be helpful.

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I am in the second group. I made my first few #pob by writing posts and then by writing comments. Now I am more of a curator than a content creator.

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I am 2/3. Most of my POB was gotten through writing and curating, but I have bought a bit and am more of a curator at the moment than a content creator.

Nice article. I agree with you. Although, #1 will get tired of low returns and leave at some point until there are only hodlers left, then the price will go up. Long game.

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I belong in the second group, all my POB so far was earned through content creation and interacting with other people contents.

about 95% of my POB go straight to staking why about 5% is saved in case i need an urgent bill to settle

and i intent to continue that way till i get much amount of stakes that can earn me more profit.

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Nice blog @dadoyen2. Even though I just started, I'm among group 2 working towards group 3, and I know that within the shortest period of time I will get there.
Thank you.

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Brothely you have said it all, there are some people here in pob, which exactly what you said. Those who are unable to purchase POB due to financial problem but Create Content, earn POB and stake thier POB. Many people are in this group as well. They create content and stake the POB they earn for future purpose. In this Group, there's a high chance of becoming rich on POB if they don't give up. I know one of POB members here who actually started with nothing But now , he's one of the POB whales. Also, in this type of Group, Consistency and hardworking are needed. Really the engagement and interaction is the order of the day.

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Great post, Man.🔥🔥

I am happy and proud to tell you that I belong to Group 2.😁

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I belong to the second group even though i have not yet staked pob yet but my eye and mind is set to the third group. How do i even get there, i see those guy as super heros kind of really wonder how long it took for them to get there and compares myself with them. I just hope i did be able to get there some day.

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This is right

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@dadoyen2 there is no lie in what u have said, I am new to this pob thing. I am not In a hurry to get rich or get lost. I am constantly taking a gradual step, while learning on the go. This 3 sub categories have taught me to understand where and why people are here on this app. I also hope to make it to the rich list no doubt. But like I said, I don't intend to hurry in and hurry out.

Morale of this post:

stay consistent with good amount of hard work and dedication. You will still win not withstanding your category.

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