I'd like to think that there's a fair number of content creators who could also be seen as "stake builders."
That is, they are creating content in the hopes of getting rewarded, but their purpose in getting rewards isn't to rush out and buy pizza, but to build stake in the platform they are using. Which is ultimately a form of investing. For me, a large part of the attraction in Hive — and subsequently various tribes — was the idea of letting it work as a long-term asset building system.
I guess that might put me in a minority, as so much of the cryptosphere seems like it has been "programmed" to view investing as more of a "wen moon?" lottery than actual long term holding for capital appreciation.
I am one of those content creators. I don't have the money to put into it, and this is why Hive (etc.) is so good. We can see value in our interactions and turn it into real, tangible wealth... especially if treating their account as you mention... building stake.