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RE: Book review: Edith Eger. The choice. The memoirs of a Holocaust survivor

Love and depression.....this is a tough topic. We all had suffered because of love. To be more precise, it isn't love to blame as the wrong ways in which people use this emotion. Looking back I think that most of the suffering comes from people not knowing/wanting to love us how we need it. The pain arises. The suffering comes from staying in that situation hoping it for it to change. A heartbreak is truly painful. I now believe that the worst is not necessarily the heartbreak, but the realization that you weren't loved at all. To love and to not be loved back is probably the most painful thing, I would not desire this even to my enemies.

In the case of Edith the suffering in her lovestory came from her own unresolved trauma. I think it is the same with us, humans. We already have the pain inside, the loved one only brings it to the surface, showing where we need to heal.

Love....such a wide topic. It is beautiful as it can be painful. Healthy loving relationships are really important as we need a relationship in which we can grow and heal. I truly believe love is the most important thing in the world , we would be utterly alone without it.