Going through changes

I have been absent for quite a while and that is unusual of me . Long story short I am making some changes in my life and finding a balance in the midst of everything is a challenge.

I am selling my beauty salon and I am moving out of my country.

I can now understand even more human nature and how attached we can become of material things , ideas. Many have raised their brows at my actions, not grasping how I could just let it all go and move on. From the outside it looked like I had the dream life. Few would know the struggles and my own dreams that I had postponed by living a life which no longer suited me.

Whenever we make changes and we have to give up and let go of things we can be seen as heroes or as failures. I have received the both types of feedback and I selected what was positive. I have the power to look at this as being the best experience I could have ever had. I take it as a life lesson. Believe me that you truly know who your friends are when you are in tough times and I am so grateful that going through adversity in the last 4 years taught me so much about myself and others.

What I can clearly feel now is that no matter how I would have wished for things to be different, they are in fact perfect just the way they are. I would not know and feel the things I feel now without the setbacks. I am grateful that people said no, it opened new doors for me. I am happy that I can take the experience with me, it is more valuable than 4 walls or any material goods. I am at peace knowing that in the toughest times my faith in the Divine grows even stronger.


Some thoughts that I had during these times:

You can call a place home only when you feel love being present there

Your enemies are your biggest teachers. I thank every bully for making me peal my own wounds and heal through watching mirrored parts of me in them

You can get more money and buy more goods but you can't get more time or buy love

Love is the most beautiful treasure we will ever own without ever owning at all because it is there inside all the time for those who have the heart to feel

Tough times reveal soft hearted people

The Universe is always in perfect order, even in the midst of chaos

Failure is society's shame word for experience. Show me a successful man who has never failed, for every one I will show you 10 who shamed him while they never tried

You will always regret what you didn't do. Fear is the biggest enemy because it destroys you from the inside

Your biggest critics will be those who will not dare to look at their stagnant life so shaming you is their way to self -soothe. Move on anyway and have compassion, they are in fact sad and lonely

We can always change our life

And my most important lesson I thought about

The most valuable thing is not your job, your goods, your status, the number of friends or your success. The most valuable thing is what you become as a human being in the pursuit for the life you dream of. If you look in the mirror and are happy knowing that people smiled because of your presence in their life you can be at peace. Become a person of value. Respect your word and your promises and have good character, the Universe pays you back multiplied.

I might not return too soon to my usual routine but I shall keep you updated once I settle into the new...home.


Valuable lessons and wise words indeed @creativemary! Wishing you well with your new journey and a season filled with many blessings!

Thank you so much for your wishes🤗

It's amazing the moral values ​​& principles of life that you share.| It shows the quality of one's life, the more useful one is to others and the environment, the better is the quality of life.

You are absolutely right, that the universe does not turn a blind eye to our every action. Kindness will be rewarded with kindness.

BTW, your photos are very nice, you are like a rose spreading fragrance to every corner of the garden.

Have a nice day @creativemary.

I share only from my personal experience, real life struggles beat any movie or book. I feel that I have learned a lot and somehow I am shedding old skin of my previous self by embarking in this journey. I always tried to be of help to people around me, I did not always succeed but at least I can be at peace knowing that I did not intentionally did harm or refused to do good if I had the means to help. For me the lessons I learn are the biggest reward. Thank you 🤗

Ah, the kind of words that can only come with life experience. I hope this change is the best thing you ever did. Where are you moving to? Adore that photo btw and the pink dress is so cute!!💕💕

Oh yes, only when you go through something and are conscious enough , then you learn. I look back and I can see now that God gave me so much strenght and stamina to transform me in the woman I am today. I feel gratitude, awe and I know that the best is yet to come.

I will have to change countries again in a couple of months, I will remain in Europe, I will reveal the final destination in my future posts. Thank you for being there for me in my journey, even virtually. Hugs 🤗

Good luck to your new life. I just met your post and i see a creative person with a flaming heart! Iam sure you succeed in every aspect of your life! Thinking positive and work hard! Universe's harmony will paid it back soon!

Thank you so much🤗 Your soul feels my vibes beyond the words, that is so cool! I am creative and my heart is flaming with love , peace and desire for novelty, experiences, authentic love and harmony. Blessings to you as faith always helps🤗

Hello @creativemary,

Beautiful post!... so many valuable lessons and points.

Your enemies are your biggest teachers. I thank every bully for making me peal my own wounds and heal through watching mirrored parts of me in them

Good on you!

You display qualities of great strength and character, which I find most admirable.

Kudos to you on making this big decision which seems to be something you're doing for yourself.
and you look stunning in that dress...as beautiful as the flowers.

All good wishes 🙏

Hey! I spoke and wrote from my heart and I felt it was the right thing to do to let the Hive community know the reasons why I might be absent in the following weeks. I thought that surely my life experience might help anyone , I was more than happy to share my struggles and my thoughts.

Yes, I am doing the change for myself, for my soul. Change is the only sure thing in the Universe and remaining in a comfort zone will never lead to progress. I believe I can achieve anything because I have God on my side, He never failed me even when I was desperate and struggling. I have learned SO much in the last 4 years and imagine that I can take all of that experience and use it in my next adventures! Priceless! Today while I wrote this post and looked around me , at my soon to be sold salon, I was thinking: Gosh Mary, you became one strong powerful woman in this salon, you should feel so proud. I smiled, patting my soul on its back, knowing a sense of calm and peace. Maybe this is how major life changes feel when they are right: peaceful.

Blessings girl🤗

Congratulations on your brave move and I am already looking forward to hearing more about the next step in your adventures.

Change is the only constant in life

and it is still mindboggling to me that most people tend to resist and fight it, nevertheless

Big hug!

Thank you Vincent🤗🤗 I know the way we resist, I have been there, in that mental space. But I feel that things happen at an appointed time, as long as you keep faith you can endure anything. I am grateful for all of my experiences, good and bad because this is how I became ME.

You are a wonderful human being.

Thank you🤗

Nice to see you around. Was starting to wonder about you but it makes sense. Hitting that reset button takes a lot of dedication. Totally worth it though when your goal is to build up and not down.

Good for you! It's a brave soul who is ready to make a leap into the unknown. I'm so happy for you and all your words of wisdom shared here. I think you've taken life's lessons and made them a positive!

Good luck! I am really looking forward to seeing what you do next.

Thank you so very much🤗 I am brave, I have moments when I feel a tiny shadow of fear but faith helps me mute that. I know that things always work out for the better for me, even when it seems that it is chaos. Divine order is not an easy concept to grasp, I have learned to let go .

I did strive to find the positive. There is always a good behind every malfunction we see in life. Now I can fully understand and appreciate the last 4 years, with all of the hardships. I can see how they were necessary in order to change me and mold me into a better version of myself. I have learned so much about myself and I am grateful that I can make changes and that I have not lost grit, courage, faith and hope in humans. I am pealing new layers of life and I see things differently, like my lenses have changed. The funny thing is that now I clearly see the attachment of material possesions futile and acknowledge how life is so much more once you see reality as something greater than a job, a house, a specific country. I value more having a meaningful purpose in life, a relationship with God and to reach your fullest potential in human form. Love, genuine connection, using your talents to the fullest and experiencing life as an endless matrix of possibilities is truly what we need the most. I wish all people would realize this, they would remove their mental shackles much faster. I am sure that every person will come to their own revelations when the time is right.

Thank you for your lovely words🤗