Honestly, I wish I could say I came up with that title all on my own, but it was the headline of an email that popped up a few minutes ago. "AHA!" I said, "self, your struggles for a blah-g title are over."
The Witches of Insta sent another bullseye with the statement, "Many mystics have pointed out that our reality may be an illusion."
Reality is always up for debate, it's not necessary to be a mystic for that sort of reflection, especially for those of us who have complex PTSD coupled with being neurodivergent. But the biology of trauma is becoming incredibly trendy these days. That's worrisome.
Sharing my concerns regarding the psychic self help bullsh*t going on "without any authority or actual education" in a professional and private health forum with my colleagues recently, one of them said,
Traumatized or not, our brain does an excellent job of expressing a relatively evolved attitude when we seek answers.
We have 4 major bodies in this particular human cycle: physical, astral, mental, & causal. When we drop the physical at "death," we still reside in the higher frequency.
Consciousness is contrast. To be happy, we need not only love-peace-harmony but also some sort of contrast or variety in order to avoid monotony or boredom. We don't need to go bungee-jumping or cliff-dangling for the contrasting adventure.
The safest sanest contrast is GROWTH ~ contrasting one's new improved self against the old. So this statement is indeed intelligent: "I’ve always said, if I believe the same tomorrow as I believe today, I will not be happy."
The power of positive thinking {& visualizing & feeling, etc.} is tremendous ... although a lot of new-age groups fall into traps trying to do this.
Personally, I do both: I keep a positive attitude, but I also investigate what actually is occurring in my environment.
I like to use the analogy of driving down a road filled with deep potholes. I could visualize a nice smooth road ... but shouldn't we also avoid the potholes?
Thus, Cosmic Triage™ came into the discussion. It's been part of my formal practice for years.
I use the "you're driving down the road" analogy as a foundation for my work. Using "red light, yellow light and green light" oracles has been part of my tool kit for healing the Mind/Body/Spirit for as long as I can remember.
Am I psychic? Absolutely, by certain standards, although I have faith that eventually science will be able to explain the things that I do that seem "supernatural" and simply call people like me "metaphysicians" at best, or at the very least: "gifted". For instance, that "blue glow" I see around things (victim clothing or items) may possibly be an ability to decipher an energy much like a dog can sniff out and separate certain scents.
I have worked with Police Depts and other Three Letter groups in identifying clothing of a victim vs. other clothing not belonging to the victim in a criminal investigation among other things, and let's not forget my ability to use pattern recognition (which is a mathematical mind beyond comprehension right now, better than a computer, and faster) when I lay out Tarot cards which are based initially on the I Ching, which is, once again MATH.
Contrary to popular media, those Three Letter groups don't call people like me "psychics". They call us "Special Agents" or "Consultants". You won't find any paycheck made out to "psychic on duty". There's your tax dollars at work, once upon a time. To the best of my knowledge, that doesn't happen as often as it once did, so save the letter writing to your State Reps.
Things related to that work, like, "talking to the dearly (or not so dearly) departed." My ability to see and talk to those hanging out in the aethers, I firmly believe, is a result of having been clinically dead at least once in my life (critical operation when I was 12) and two more times after that when I briefly left my body due to illness. We do continue existing once that flesh and bone vehicle does not. How that happens, and where we go is also anyone's guess. I have my own ideas, but that's how I've resolved what I experienced. There's that "reality is an illusion" gig. If others see what I have, such as the man who wrote Nosso Lar (Astral City) then I feel all the better for not being completely on my own.
I have learned through experience past life regression is tricky business, as well as identifying who we may have been on another planet in another lifetime, etc. But that's just entertainment and it doesn't help in the bigger picture unless you're attempting to resolve an issue that is causing you or those you're living with suffering. No-one remembers being a starving orphan in a gutter somewhere or the 'bad person who hurts people'. Time is not linear, and as we travel through the time-space continuum all things can change. Alternative timelines are also suspect.
It could be that many so called "psychics" are really just mentalists and possibly sociopathic, and yes, it's just my opinion. But I digress, because even my own Family M.D. lovingly calls me and those like me "schizodoodle". My doctor actually has patients who are my clients, though, and we tend to recommend each other. Weird, because if you can hear and see something that no one else in the room can? You might be nuts. As my foster mother used to say, "Keep it to yourself, no-one likes crazy people."
However, as Ram Dass said, "Be here now". It doesn't do any of us any good to pine away for a life that is just mere imagination without some sort of tangible proof —unless, and this is a big "if"— you can also have a successful and fulfilling life in the here, and now.
And that's my rant for the day. I was truly conflicted about sharing what I feel is an alarming as well as dangerous trend that seems to be subjugating people who would truly benefit from therapy, rather than dramatic fortune telling.
Perhaps now, I can continue to forge a path forward with a dose of my own Cosmic Triage™.
Thank you, so much, for reading and I always welcome your comments!
community on HIVE if you're interested. We just started it, so there's not much going on yet, but if you're ever in the need for a "down to earth" —but not too earthy— psychic, you can find me online at Brigid's Aether.
Take a look at @Labyrinths when you have a moment and join our labyrinth
Any images and graphics *(unless noted)* are mine.
Indeed, we will absolutely be able to measure and explain what you do in 100 years from now. Science eventually catches up. Let's be real here: Microwaves existed before we "determined" that they did...
I very much enjoyed reading your rant! I've done some past (or whenever it was) life regression, and yes, in hindsight I can see that it was more indulgent than it was healing, although I did get some healing from it, and it was cool to see myself as a raccoon (but my demise as a raccoon not so much).
I don't know what to call my gifts, I just know that when the schizophrenic homeless person thinks the crow lady talking to her crow friends is crazy then I'm without a doubt... different. Not sure exactly where I'm going with this, maybe just wanted to do a fist-bump with another misfit. 🖤
YASSS! Thank you for that. I needed a fist bump. But, here's a story for you about a dead raccoon that the Big Guy will back me up on. Not that he was there, but we still talk about it. Because I called him after the raccoon left.
Some years ago I nailed a raccoon that was already nailed by the time I got to it with my truck, it was horrific as it lifted his tiny head just as my headlights were aimed at hims eyes. I tried to swerve but it wasn't worth losing control of my vehicle to avoid missing hims already dented body. I cried, oh lord did I cry.
Then, a few minutes after my snot bubbles subsided the fooker showed up in the passenger seat. Hims litto hands propped up on the dash board.
He looked at me and shrugged.
I nearly lost control of the truck again.
He then began telling me that it would be nice of me to drop him off at a "chicken box" store.
What the heck was I gonna do? I got off the highway and found hims a KFC and he fist bumped me as I drove into the parking lot.
And disappeared.
Evidently, KFC is a city raccoons heaven?
I wish I was making this up, but I'm really not. So you talk to as many crows as you want. My son does.
Chicken box store, huh? What a cute name for it. Raccoons are so clever.
Well. Let me tell you something about my brief life as a racoon. I would say this gives me chills but after opening my mind up to everything's possible, it doesn't, really.
I was going to the river for a drink of water. It was night, but not too late. River was on the other side of the road, down an embankment. I saw the headlights and had no idea wtf they were. Then I remember being inside the cab of the car, seeing dashlights and such. That's about it, though.
If that was me and you then I'd have to say thanks for taking me to the chicken box store! But lots of raccoons get hit by cars, so...
I wondered.
Yes. That's a strange thing to say, but honestly, what if we share some kind of "over soul" with our Animal Companions?
Being a cat, once upon a time ... I have memories. They continue too. And I'm connected to OTHER cats.
Who is to say that you didn't connect with the Raccoon God!?
I don't say "spirit animal" because I have too many First Nation friends who, while understanding my Celtic heritage (we do share a lot of similar traditions with the First Nation people) tend to harbor resentment for usurping certain practices, like: Spirit Animal. So, animal friend, animal companion, that's okay.
Moving on, and back to raccoons, I was near a river! Chagrin Falls, Ohio in fact. It was Spring of 2009.

We honor the Rocket!
nods to Guardians of the Galaxy
I can picture you being a cat. I feel like many cats have been cats many times over. The Egyptians were certainly aware of this.
Sometimes I get glimpses of aerial views when I look at the crows or the raptors in the air. And I'm pretty sure I've been a crow. Aside from the obvious reasons, I've always been an excellent mimic and able to spot the hawk FIRST. And I can most definitely picture my pointy raccoon nose rooting around deep inside a toppled garbage can. All of this sensitivity was vastly improved after a few doses of mushrooms. Don't need those buddies anymore, though, these days.
I was the human I am now in 2009, albeit a decade plus younger and nowhere near Ohio, but who knows how time really works. I personally feel like my current soul is assembled from pieces of other souls from a collective that I will return to eventually, but not any time soon, no matter how thirst-quenching that river looks on the other side of the road.