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RE: The Blah Diaries (Chapter 2) Fauci cops to the obvious, UFO blather and other musings...

I don't think Gen X had much to do with the gulf wars or lehman. That would still be the boomers.

We can use non-fiat currencies we agree with, avoid spending too much money on things you don't need and try to progress.

Agree on all points but for many, even a full day's worth of work doesn't cover their basic costs. Depends on where you are but over here, rent is a huge and unavoidable problem.

Quit this group think. What can you and I do today?

Agreed. Ultimately, this is the only thing that we should consider and work on.


Agree on all points but for many, even a full day's worth of work doesn't cover their basic costs. Depends on where you are but over here, rent is a huge and unavoidable problem.

I find this true from experience. We're forced to borrow way above your head (mortgage), or someone else will and try to make a proportional return by charging you rent. If these loans were not available, the prices would be cheaper but there would be many who wouldn't be able to afford to buy at all though.