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RE: Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me

in Proof of Brain4 years ago (edited)

Let me only speak from my own care for POB and say that 93% of the POB stake is a lot more than 7%.

This is very true, the market allows it and that's just something that is to be expected. The price and stability of POB has provided the energy for exponential growth in just a few months, so that is to be appreciated and something we should all be grateful for. My point of view is not one-sided by any means, I have mentioned in comments that I admire @onealfa in some respects and that I do understand the value that he brings to the table as an investor. This doesn't negate the fact that this is a complex eco-system and potential concerns and actions should be aired out to consider how it plays out in the longer term.

Your reply to my comment on your own post brought up some helpful insights to the front of my mind. Especially when it comes to the drama/discussion tradeoff. I believe I made that clear in this post where I say;

Am I in the wrong here trying to find out more information? My methods haven't been the most productive, I'll admit, but I have freedom of speech and expression? Do I not?

These are new grounds for me as a person and something I'm learning about as I go. So I appreciate the opportunity to reflect back on my own decisions and thought process, this is the most important thing for me. Like I also said;

The only person I'm against in this race is myself.

Thanks for the realness @allcapsonezero.

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