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RE: The Power of Fatherhood (POB Word of the Week: POWER #005)

in Proof of Brain4 years ago (edited)

Wow, quite the realisation for myself after reading this. I'd never made the link between father and heavenly father in the way you've laid out. It does make sense. Not surprising that I have not followed religion at all and I'm wondering if losing my father at a young age has a part to play in that.

In terms of your own upbringing and link to religion, it looks like it's healthy and something that you've looked to instill in your own children (my vague opinion after following your content and seeing how you interact).

Powerful post.

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I guess that's the merits of healthy conversations. We get to learn things that we may have missed out on years ago, probably.

Our earthly parents are representatives of God himself. Though most people don't give it two thoughts, they ultimately have the Supreme power over us unless God wants otherwise.

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Our earthly parents are representatives of God himself.

Yes, that was all a part of His design from the beginning.

This 'divine representation' within the family unit is exemplified in Ephesians 5:31-32:

For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh. This mystery is great; but I am speaking with reference to Christ and the church.

I'd never made the link between father and heavenly father in the way you've laid out. It does make sense.

Nor had I, until I heard it taught by Dr. Robert Lewis. As soon as I heard it, though, it all made perfect sense. Shortly thereafter, I sat down and wrote my dad a letter thanking him for choosing to be active, present, and supportive in mine and my sister's lives.