That's lovely first time I'm hearing it though. Yoruba people really have nice proverbs.
There's also one that's similar that my mom taught me but in pigdin who shit no dey remember the smell na who pack am go remember
Meaning it's only those who suffered the consequences of an action that can totally relate to how it felt
The best tribe you can find the best proverb is Yoruba
Well I know yorubas have nice proverbs but I don't know if they have the best. We have to hear from other tribes first
What tribe are you from?
But I do respect Yoruba elders.
they are full of Proverbs even in their words. The awards are always full of proverb.
And I also like their culture their culture is full of respect
I'm from the Bini tribe. The yorubas are fond of saying proverbs, I guess it's because it's what they are used to
Bini tribe from which country
yes I also know about this proverb I hear it a lot I am a typical Yoruba man so I know a lot of proverb
That's nice. Maybe you'll share some more
i would love to share more but i want to go to bed
i will continue tomorrow