You were seventeen on your last comment @blezyn. I keep track of the comments by the time they are entered. I only count comments on the main post. I do not count comments by the same user unless ten comments have past. For example, this comment is not counted. You have to wait to 27. The problem is there is no new action although we are very close to 21. I probably have to put a higher prize at the start next time and give some visual examples of how to comment.
You were seventeen on your last comment @blezyn. I keep track of the comments by the time they are entered. I only count comments on the main post. I do not count comments by the same user unless ten comments have past. For example, this comment is not counted. You have to wait to 27. The problem is there is no new action although we are very close to 21. I probably have to put a higher prize at the start next time and give some visual examples of how to comment.