Basic Writing Tips For Beginners

in Proof of Brain3 years ago



Recently, I have had to sit and converse with creatives who have passion for writing, although they have been on it for a while but lack the power to capture and engage others with their writing.

I know we live in a digital world where things are done in a digitize way but have you ever come across an advert that was not first scripted before it was produced? Writing will always be needed because as the day goes, we communicate well through writing. Knowing how to use words will definitely be a big win for you in today's world.

The advertising industry needs a writer, the newspaper firm is on its toes looking for an extraordinary writer,today bloggers will pay whatever it takes to bring in a good content writer to write for them.

Writing has been what I have deliberately improve on over the years. Learning is an endless route,we never stop learning. Even the best writer today needs to learn more to keep standing out.

I will be sharing three basic writing tips for beginners, I hope this meet you well and that you act on every information. It is one thing to get informed but is another thing to act on it.

  1. Read
    Readers are learners and they are also leaders. You need knowledge to be able to lead. By leading here, am referring to writers who seeks to be heads of a particular brand or advertising industry tomorrow. You can't give what you don't have. Having to give yourself to teaching,makes you more familiar to words and how best you can use them.

If you don't devote part of your time in a day to read, you won't make a good writer. Writers always have a book they read weekly or even monthly. You are writing for someone to read just so they learn from you.what happens when you stop reading and learning,you will have little or nothing to give out and you will lose alot of people and followers.

If you are saying you are not a reading type, then writing is not for you. I think you should try something else,maybe something more sophisticated 😁.

  1. Try many niche as possible
    The truth is we think we are not good at something even without giving it a try. It's not going to hurt if you try a niche you think doesn't appeal to you.

By niche here,I mean what you think appeals to you. You may think you do great at essay writing than you would in blog writing. The truth is,you don't even know what you are actually good at because you have not tried doing the others.

Having to try a different types of writing makes you more aware of which to focus on. The truth is, when some people find their niche and don't like it because they feel is more like a cliche,they tend to pick another niche even when they know it won't be a productive one for them.

I personally don't think we have cliches when it comes to something creative. If you are good at what you do,you are definitely going to shine no matter how simple it is. These days, people actually prefer the simple things. So, carefully open up yourself to different niche and stick to what appeals to you.

  1. Write everyday
    Wanting to become a good writer requires that you write everyday. You are not going to get perfect in just a day. Perfection comes through continuous action. You get committed to something and you stay at it no matter what you hear and how you feel.

I hope you find this helpful,let me know in the comment section. 🤗🥰


thank you very much for the tips, I am kind of failing to make post everyday, and write a good post.
I might need to red more just like your tips. :)

Good morning @alt-runner ... I'm happy this post could help you become better at writing