
in Proof of Brain3 years ago (edited)

Hi everyone!
It's a blissful morning here.
Even though yesterday was a little bit rough, it doesn't change anything. You'll surely get to where you've been destined to reach in life.
There will be obstacles.
And there will be enemies.
All you have to do is over look that and focus on yourself and the bright future ahead!
Some are not ready to do anything positive in your life than to downgrade you but they've forgotten that if one portal is closed God will surely open another one.
Some people are so selfish to the extent that they will not want you to attain they're level if they see that you're doing well. They've forgotten that we are destined and designed in different ways.
Always remember that there's always Boss after and before Bosses. That's the mechanism of life.
Don't rely on anyone, keep doing the right thing, keep saying the truth and see where it leads you.
I'm not directing this to anyone and if you think it's for you then take it like that,,,, sit down and think.

If it's only here you have the power to do and undo then you must be in shame.

I thought you were God, If it's only here that you gat power and you cannot even turn the world down nor change someone's destined, then you must be in big shame.

What a selfish world we are.

Either you like it or not, the level you're today, once there was someone before you, untill you attain the level and there will be someone before you you till eternity. So don't think that someone else cannot super pass you.
It will surely happen.
It's gonna happen.
It's happening already.
Check yourself and your status, you'll see that alot are by-passing you, leaving you behind.

the truth is bitter but the truth must be told.
Stop being selfish.
Stop thinking you're the best.
Stop thinking you've attain the highest level.
Stop thinking no one can best past you.
Stop thinking low.

Try to increase your mentality, life is beyond this.
There's room for comments.
Always welcome.
Blissful day ahead!

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Selfishness is one of the most damaging act that any human being can put on,cause it does not help or improve such person in any way and to one of my quote and believed,I say " Self center is death center"

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What's your evidence on that?

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