Yeah……weekend vibes it’s really interesting today as one of my friend is doing wedding today. I really can’t wait to share you guys how it went.
So I woke around 5.00am today and prayed, after that I picked up my phone and watched movie for like 40 to 50 minutes then stand up from bed to do some cleaning because it’s environmental day so I have to cut the little grass and do some cleaning before heading out for the wedding. After the cleaning the whole house I took my bath and rest. So around 12.30pm I put on my cloth and went to the venue.
On getting there they’ve already finished giving their hands for marriage, but trust me you all know the next thing. I went straight to the reception hall where we all going to eat and drink. On getting there the place is already full of people, you can imagine when there are still lots of people coming so I have to sit down outside the hall with some friends. It’s really boring outside you know because we that are sitting outside did not know what’s going on in the hall.
We all sit outside for like 40 minutes before a friend of mine that’s inside saw me sitting outside call me to come inside. For my mind have been thinking of how am going to take my leave before I was called in by my friend.
Wow now I can see the couple clearly and me it really a big wedding, when I say big I mean big wedding guys because both couple are from rich homes.
I ate and enjoy myself today at the wedding to be candid there are many fun in the hall. So after all the drama and excitement, I check my time and before I know it’s getting late it’s past 4, so I decide to take my leave and go home to rest.
That was how I have a wonderful day I really enjoy myself today and also I pray for the newly wedded couple that may God grant them blessings and also abundant happiness in their marriage today. So I will like to invite you all to my wedding in the month of July 26th but I don’t know the year for now….. lol
Thank you.