Eid-el-fitri (Festival for all)

in Proof of Brain4 years ago



This is festival for all Muslims in the world. After fasting for 29 or 30 days Eid-el-fitri is compulsory for all Muslims to participate. Because the prophet(Muhammad) swt during his lifetime made it compulsory that every Muslims (men and women, the young and the adults) must go to Eid after fasting in the month of Ramadan.
I must say it’s really interesting to be among of people celebrating this year and I really enjoyed myself.

Life during fasting in the month of Ramadan

To start with all Muslims knows that when we are in the month of Ramadan it called the month of blessing. Because God(Allah) showers mercy and blessings to those that fast.

So my case this year is quite different because I have to obtain my 30 days fasting in school. To tell you the past 30 days of my fasting in school was thick and thin. It’s really not easy because for someone who can’t cook to fast for 30 days and also you can’t eat the food of your girlfriend because it’s a sin for you to eat any girl food unless you’ve paid her dowry or better still she only your friend and nothing is attached to it.


So with me knowing all these I only have the option to buy food or eat from my friends and I hope you all understand when friends start telling you there’s nothing on ground and you have to fast, so these means sometimes I eat what I like and some days I eat what I see. That’s when I understand my mum and sisters are really doing great job to satisfy us in the family.

After passing through thick and thin in the month of Ramadan here comes the day of celebration. I have to leave my school and come down home to celebrate because have missed so many food and here I am enjoying Eid-el-fitri.



Alhamdulilahi(thank God) for this wonderful Eid-el-fitri festival this year. I really do enjoy my self and also I will like to thank those who stood by me in the month of Ramadan and also thanks to my referral @dwayne16 for inviting me to this great community to share my story with you all(Eid-el-fitri).

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