POB Question Of The Week #3 🧠

in Proof of Brain4 years ago (edited)

Hello Brainies,

Thanks to everyone who participated in the second POB Question of the week! 24 people commented their favourite food and were just sent 0.20101314 POB each!
I asked @calumam to not send the 50 POB over to me as a sponsorship for QOTW and I'll tell you why below!

Question Of The Week.png

POB Question Of The Week is changing!

I noticed that a lot of the people that were participating in QOTW were immediately selling off their POB and that's not what I wanted with this project.
QOTW was born out of a desire to bring the community together. To get to know each other and to support one and another. And I don't see how selling POB straightaway is a part of that process.
So from now on, there won't be liquid rewards.
Instead 3 delegations of 30 POB for a week is available to the people that make an real effort to participate!
With a higher stake (which is what you get from a delegation) you can earn higher curation rewards.
So indirectly you'll still be earning POB but you have to do a little extra work for it and actually have to be pro active in the community!

For people who I see are being active, a good Brainie and staking, you might find some surprise POB in your wallet from me!

I wish I could structure it the way it was before but unfortunately I just do not feel comfortable that the POB coming in is sold straightaway.
It somehow feels ethically wrong.


The third POB question of the week is :

Whats your favourite book and why?


Answer in the comments!


Looking forward to seeing your responses in the comments!

Over and out,


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Man, this is probably going to be an unpopular answer but I think it’s “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn”.

I grew up in the southern U.S. so I didn’t realize how racist it was back then, and it imprinted on me. All the disgusting language and bigotry aside, I found it to be a captured spark of youth.

And before I go on I would like to say, that it’s not a hill I’m willing to die on, but the two main characters talked about their companion as a second class citizen but they treated him as an equal, and I think, considering when it was written, that’s at least something resembling evidence of a progressive mindset and should be taken into account when reading this work.

I don’t know where I stand on censoring or updating it. I think it’s fine as an option but I think this is one of those works that’s not a bad idea to read in its original form to help solidify one’s understanding of where we are compared to where we were. It’s more than just a story. It’s also a page from human history.

Getting back to why I liked, though. It made me laugh. Tom’s clever mischief reminded me of being a boy running wild. We had forest everywhere and a cave that smelled too much like impending doom (copperheads) to venture to far into but it was a cool place to go hang out.

Twain, also, masterfully penned the thirst for adventure that burns in a young boy’s heart. Trekking into the woods to dig for treasure and knowing there’s a ghost buried with it that’s surely gonna kill you for disturbing it are ways I spent parts of my summer youth.

I guess what I’m trying to say is it gave me an appreciation for a child’s journey in the world. The combination of the boys’ carefree while also gravely serious perspectives just really nailed it for me.

Now, having said all that I just remembered I liked “Sapiens” a lot, too, but for different reasons, and it doesn’t have any racism at all in it. I think that’s the one I’d recommend. 😁

Well, this reminds me that I really really need to read it again.
Thank you for your very long answer. I appreciate it.
Do you write too? I get the feeling you could write stories very well.

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I started a few back in college but never finished anything.

These days I don’t think I’m motivated in that direction enough to pick it back up even if time wasn’t an issue, but maybe if I make it to retirement I’ll test that theory. 😁

My favorite book is the Bible, because firstly because I can know God through him, secondly, I like the stories told of all the people who were used by him and thirdly because I believe that there we can get the answer in the way that we can live in the midst of any problem.

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Good for you!!

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This is such an impossible question! I tend to read trilogies and series set in contiguous universes so picking an individual book is a challenge. I am a huge fan of The Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan but would be completely unable to pick a single one of the 13 book series as a favorite. I love Douglas Adams and the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy but again it is a series that would be difficult to pick a favorite of the series. Then there is Terry Pratchett and his entire Discworld universe of satirical novels, all of which interlink and are hilarious.

If you didn't guess yet I read fantasy/sci fi novels mostly when it comes to pleasure reading. I also do a good bit of non fiction reading for research and self education....

Can I pick... maybe 3?

The Salmon of Doubt by Douglas Adams
I love this book because it is incomplete. Douglas Adams died with it in its very early stages. Following his death his publisher- with help from family, friends, and anyone else that had pieces of his work compiled them, picked out their favorites, and turned them into a compendium of sorts. The book contains short essays, musings, and speeches he wrote as well as the incomplete copy for his unfinished novel by the same name- The Salmon of Doubt. It is a really great book that gives a lot of insight into his creative process and shows off some of his lesser known work and skills.

Thief of Time by Terry Pratchett
This is a satirical tale set in Discworld. It plays with the idea of Time as something humanity manipulates simply by being. It introduces us to the "Auditors" who verify and catalogue everything in the universe- and hate all sentient life for its incessant ability to change its surroundings and constant activity. It makes the auditing more difficult of course. The book follows several characters. One who has been tricked by the auditors into making a perfect clock that measures the tick of the universe and several others who understand that building such a device will in effect freeze time in that moment indefinitely and wish to prevent that from happening. Along the way we get to meet various deities and sages. All of whom offer up various absurd truths and wisdoms. All in all it is one of the best examples of satire I've read with a lot of subtle connections to other Discworld novels that make it that much funnier. Make sure you read the occasional footnotes.

The Resilient Farm and Homestead by Ben Falk
This one is basically a textbook. It is so dense with permaculture knowledge and skills that it will probably take my whole life to properly absorb the information it is offering. It has been instrumental in some of the things we are attempting to do on our property and guided some of the big decisions we've made about what to prioritize in how we manage our land to increase biodiversity, resilience, and continually improve it so that we can harvest useable food and other products from it while increasing its productivity and health over time!

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Well you just got 30 POB delegation!! 😁

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YAYYY! thanks so much! I'm always happy to share book recommendations. Can never do too much reading in my opinion 😁. Looking forward to the continued questions of the week.

Book ?

I don't read books. You maybe surprised. But I feel they consume a lot of time. Or maybe I'm more an audio visual person.

The favorite book is the book writen by the producer of my life. I learned a lot from it. I've seen enough. Lerned enough from people, movies, news and everything I've seen in my life.

Do, I need to read an other book ? I don't think so. The best book I will explore now and keep exploring is the blockchain. The crypto world. The content from people ! That will be the only book I'll never feel bored reading it !

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I think people decided to be selling their pob because many are afraid of what the price will be tomorrow,forgotten that the rules don't warrant that as for me I don't have the reason for selling mine

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Which is fine and I understand that part too yet I do not feel it is conducive to create a better community here!

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Rich Dad Poor Dad.
It learn how to invest and put my resources into action than working with physical strength

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I read it a long long time ago. Perhaps it's time to try it again!

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My favourite book is Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace, and why i love even never finished the read is here. Yeah, i made a post about it :)

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Will have to check it out!

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Well I have quite a number favourite, but my credit this time goes to God's General by Robert Liardon. This book opens your mind about who you are and where you stand with Christ. It helps you discover how to locate the right place of worship.

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Sounds good!

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Atomic Habits by James clear is definitely one of the best books I have read . The book walks you through the habit building process right from scratch. If you are into reading self help books then this is a must.

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Interesting! I haven't heard of it before. Will have a look.

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My favourite book is "The Holy Bible ". The reason why it's my favourite is because it have alot of uncovered mysteries to me and the more I study it, the more it since to enlighten me more of the wisdom which is surpass my mere understand

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Good for you!

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Mary Shelley's Frankenstein is definitely my answer. Let's say I'm not a regular reader, but when I read and finish reading a book it's because it has to captivate me and have real literary value.

Shelley tells with true genius a story that could promise a breakthrough for science, although it is not my intention to spoiler and thus invite other readers to include it in their library, I will make a brief synopsis of what most attracted me to this book.

Victor in his thirst to give life, believing he has that power which many attribute or attribute to a supreme God, ends up creating an abominable creature, which after its arrival to life only provokes repulsion. The monster was apparently not simply living organic matter but even possessed human feelings who, feeling despised by his creator, decided to turn his life into an agony.

I hope you are encouraged to read this fabulous story if you haven't already done so and although I would love to talk to you about its outcome, I'll keep my comments to myself and in some publication we can open a good debate about this fantastic literary work.


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Oooh I have never read this book before! Although I have watched the film many times.
Thanks. I'll have to read it now :)

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My favorite book is the Bible.
She builds faith, gives hope and speaks more about love than any other book in the world. And it is very practical - it has answers to all questions, wisdom for all occasions.

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Good for you!! :)

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Great Expectations by Charles Dickens - a master at the peak of his craft - Characters, language, setting, probably helped because I grew up where it starts off, and a tragic ending.

Great stuff!

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Oooh it's been such a long time since I'ev read Great Expectations. I think I'll have another go at it! Thanks for the reminder.
And thanks for participating! :)

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If is about books ,Right now I don't think I have favorite book because the most book I read now is my study book in school which talk more about economic and Finance

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Oh okay. But what is your favourite book of all time?

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The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F**k
By Mark Manson

Though it comes under the category of self help but it is contrary to most other self help books you will find at the market. The author unleashes tight slaps of reality instead of being diplomatic and repeating over a billion times heard secrets of being positive and productive. Its so thin and the amount of value it packs is even more than some really bulky books. It did receive its share of criticism from people not liking it for its name, and calling it another piece shitty clickbait and waste of time and money. But soon it overflowed the shelves of offices, book lovers, casual readers and young and old alike. It contains the harsh realities we need to know and accept. At times you might find that things are going nowhere with no solid conclusions to topics. So, I am saying it again, don’t pick it up with an expectation of diminishing your sorrows or turning your life around. This is some modern dose of negative self help. Weird, Unique, Insightful and Thought Provoking.

Best Wishes
And Thank You for
Third #proofofbrain question of the week

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I've read it and found it an amazing book!! :)

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@ashleykalila, i well received the your POB from QOTW#2. Thanks for it!
I also don't sell any POB until and I keep staking whatever POB I receive, even it's not much now.

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Yesss, goooood!!! :)
Keep on staking!

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