
Interesting proposal. Would like to think it through to it's logical conclusions particularly implications towards combating legitimate abuses. 🤔

It will definitely help mitigate the concentration of stake with the earliest adopters.

If nobody votes votes larger than 15htu the spread on the pool should look real nice to everybody else.

Instead we got folks still fighting the bad whale despite his having swum off.
'If we don't do what he is doing his abuse will get him even more rewards.'
You remember, you were here.

Well, he's gone, when do they stop abusing us?
Ganging up to increase rewards is abusive to everybody that doesn't join in.
I can't wait for the day those folks get sent packing.

Moral responsibility , not rules - I'm not a commie - process comes after morals. (see DPoS)

I think it was the volume that got to them.
You were tagging top 10% rewards for bashing whales that no longer hold the majority of the coin, at least not in whale accounts.

The hive will be what we make of it.

Unless you are a massive stakeholder + part of a cabal in crowd - you have no choice over anything - just the illusion......You'll be telling me that you think voting makes a difference, next !lol

My posts hit a mark - the truth. The amount of upvotes says everything.
...And the truth is something that TPTB, would prefer not to address.

It won't change anything now, I don't think (I've given up on any intelligence)... but whereas all I wanted todo was air our dirty laundry in our public square - and discuss issues - I'm now being pushed off it, to now go and have to explain it the wider world...

I've been thrown a massive load of shit covered lemons - for over two months now.

How many notices did I post to that effect - 20?...I really did try. , ffs, in their right mind, would think that @lucylin isn't gonna make lemonade - and profit - from the said pile of shit lemons delivered into my blog ?

The idiots.

 4 years ago  Reveal Comment

When the gods have your number there isn't much you can do.