Everyone has their own perspective on an activity. Talking about blogging, of course, some don't like it. Some people prefer to talk through vlogs instead of trying to convey their thoughts through blogs.
For me, blogging is my life and became a writer is my gift.
In the past, before I got to know the blockchain platform, I actively wrote using the Blogspot and WordPress platforms. At that time, when I was still in college and actively writing fiction, I liked to share prose on my blog. Although, at that time only a few people were reading and giving me feedback. But it's enough to give a pleasant feeling to me. It's like I have fun activities to do and it makes me feel more alive.
My Big Career Started with Blogging
From being active blogging through the Blogspot and WordPress platforms, at that time there was an editor from one of the big major publishers in Indonesia, she offered me to write a fiction book.
I never thought that I would finally have the opportunity to sell my fiction book at major bookstores throughout Indonesia.
At that time I got paid around 14 million in IDR or around USD1000 for 2 K hard copy.
We never know what will lead us to the big step in our life, right?
So, stay consistent doing things that we love and benefit :)
It didn't stop there, when I had my own book, it was easier for me to be accepted to work in a big company, one of the state-owned oil and gas companies, although I finally decided to resign.
Well, from blogging, and I still do until now, (but currently, I'm only blogging through the HIVE Blockchain), I'm sure it will always lead me to the unexpected miracles of life. :)
Thank you for reading my blog and reblog if you want my blog this time worthy of reading by others.
Best Regards,
Anggrek Lestari
Anggrek Lestari is an Indonesian fiction writer who has published two major books. Now She is a full-time content creator. She has a goal to share life, poem, food content that makes others happy and can get inspiration.
Make sure you follow her blog as well for some interesting discussions about life other than food.
If you need a copywriter for your projects, Anggrek Lestari will be ready to help you.
Contact Person: authoranggreklestari@gmail.com
Discord: anggreklestari#3009
No puedo negarte que leerte me hace feliz, todos tus post siempre tienen un contenido bueno, y escribes de manera muy sutil, pareciera que escuchara tu voz amiga @anggreklestari, no dejes de escribir nunca por favor, eres mi patrón a seguir, quisiera ser como tu a niveles de escritura, me falta una galaxia entera para llegar hasta hallas, quisiera que me dieras un consejo.
Estoy muy feliz de leer sus comentarios tan positivos. Me dio la motivación para seguir escribiendo.
Gracias por leer siempre mis publicaciones. Saludos
@anggreklestari saludos amiga, siempre leo todas tus publicaciones, no pierdas la motivación jamás, acá tienes una seguidora que siempre disfruta de tus escritos, cuando estuviste casi una semana sin escribir estaba preocupada, no pierdas la musa que te inspira para que tu conexión entre mano y mente nos deleite con tus publicaciones llenas de amor y contenido original un enorme abrazo.
Esto es genial, yo también escribí en Blogspot durante muchos años, cada vez con menos espectadores hasta que finalmente lo volví totalmente privado. Ahora, tener este blog público me encanta y poder compartir con otros que hacen lo mismo es genial.
De qué se trata tu libro? :)
Es genial ahora que podemos compartir y aprender cosas nuevas unos de otros.
Mi libro es una novela sobre la familia y el romance.
Same here! I love blogging. I always prefer writing than talking infront of the camera. There's so much to write than to say. I have been blogging for 10 years too back in blogspot and bought my own domain. Just recently I was invited to be part of hive community and I'm very grateful for the opportunity. I found new friends and supportive community to enjoy writing more. Congrats dear! Let's continue blogging. To more blogging years ahead! 😊
Well, welcome to HIVE. I'm glad to know you here and maybe we can meet up when I go to Cebu later :)
Keep blogging
When you put passion into what you do, everything is more rewarding. Success. Excellent post.
Blogging is very interesting because a lot of creativity need to be in action.
and makes us keep active :)
I love blogging too,it makes me happy and it makes me to able to share my knowledge with others
That's great, at least it makes you happy :)
Yes of course it surely makes me so excited and fulfilled
Yeah you're right get fun and be happy
Nice one
Just curious what is your book name and it was translate into other language?
It is only in Indonesian :)
Well in English similar to "Falling in love is easy, but forgetting is harder" :)
Definitely it is fun to do that and at one side it is a means of building one's confidence