The effect of the companion in our life

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

I needed to check the meaning of companion from Google just to be sure of what it means
According to English dictionary companion means a person who is frequently in the company of, associates with, or accompanies another

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This statement means companion may be friends , father , mother, relative ,your love or even enemy's as long you spend most of your time with them

Anyone you choose and you spend your time with , positively or negatively it will have some effect in your life , people we spend our time with says alot about who we truly are ,there is this statement ,tell me your friend I will tell who you are ,this statement is very much correct

Companion play a very big role in our life , especially our friends or who we choose to be our love ,that is why you see must successful people don't just choose any friends , they choose their friends because they have common dreams to achieve and love who can support their dreams

90% of the way we think and interact comes from the environment we leave ,the way we are expose,the people we keep around ,the people we allow into our life ,this is the type of environment am talking about

Am a perfect example of this ,even if am not yet and example of a successful person ,I keep those who i think won't jeopardize my dream ,I keep those who i think we have thesame vision

I know the kind of person I am ,I don't keep friends because I know ,I may be affected by them ,I know people we keep have disadvantage and advantage impact in our life ,I measure both before I choose anyone into my life

In Nigeria now , they are three things that is very common among the youth ,is either you are scamming or you are smoking weed or abusing some hard drug or even they are some who do all

But I never judge anybody ,it now feels like ,we who don't do such things we are not serious with other life ,it now feels like because we are not into such we are not yet mature

I prefer to be on my own than let anybody too be bad influence to me ,or to others,I can't even be bad influence to other but I prefer to be around those who will appreciate me

People is so selfish ,they will use you and dumb you ,they are thing that don't always work ,love is hard is not always work ,you just try your best not to get hurt

Thanks for reading

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Yes love is hard, very hard. There is no way you are going to love and not get hurt, so it is better you do what is best for you and leave the rest. Actually in my life today, i used to be lonely cos I'm alone and the main reason why it as been like that is that i dont want to hurt anybody or become the source of hertbreaks to anybody. Actually my heart as been broken several times by friends, families and very close people. But you know what the knowledgeable one says, "they says you will get to where you are not going before you get to where you are going". As i am nobody will ever passed through and will not gain alot of positive things in me. But the moment i noticed i have been used alot that was when i stoped myself being used. But there are a lots of people with quality benefits, they will surely have there own disadvantages too but have later learn to know when to stop. Thats just the way it is

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This is a very good one mate and Iut be honest by saying it importance too can't be taken away from life , aside the fact that it comes in so many ways base on my understanding and believe,but of all your point of discussion and view to me is still very vital and important and that is why I will love to share or lete say add little to it via my comment and am very to correction in case i make any mistake in the process of adding my on this.

I needed to check the meaning of companion from Google just to be sure of what it means
According to English dictionary companion means a person who is frequently in the company of, associates with, or accompanies another
This statement means companion may be friends , father , mother, relative ,your love or even enemy's as long you spend most of your time with them

Definitely and I want to say that I strongly agree with you so on this as companion can be anybody and it is not just always about the relationship issue or about marriage as someay think and let me be very sincere and honest and sincere with myself that , anyone can be our companion,it is now on the basis of who is really of help or who is close by or willing to stand still irespective of how hard or easy life at that point and that is why toe companion can be anyone.

Anyone you choose and you spend your time with , positively or negatively it will have some effect in your life , people we spend our time with says alot about who we truly are ,there is this statement ,tell me your friend I will tell who you are ,this statement is very much correct

Companion play a very big role in our life , especially our friends or who we choose to be our love ,that is why you see must successful people don't just choose any friends , they choose their friends because they have common dreams to achieve and love who can support their dreams

The statement above to me is just the very best as I want to say that the kind of people who choose to fellow at times has lot to tell on our life and I want to say that is the ace of companion tok in our life , which that whosoever that we are Choose as a companion in our life muxtnbe someone that will add lot of influence to our life and let say that people will meet too has a role to play and at times they have a very prominent roles to play in helping us getting the best result in life

To me companion should not just be anybody or can't be everyone,but it is someone who is ready to add video.and help to makes sure that we are better off our previous day or life

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That his just love for you it hot some time but it doesn't not mean you should love others more than yourself.
In this model world of ours .

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Love is hard in places like Africa, it takes grace of God to fined the right person nowadays

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