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RE: The Power of Fatherhood (POB Word of the Week: POWER #005)

in Proof of Brain4 years ago (edited)

What an incredible text. It is inevitable not to remember a little my story:

My father is very loving, but during my adolescence we had some problems. When I was around 16, my father stopped drinking, and he was an alcoholic.

When his stopped drinking, his mood fluctuated quite easily, in his tantrums he beat me.

In fact, we fought a lot, it was a real mutual aggression. My mom didn't know much to do other than to ask to stop... We spent months without speaking until we spoke again, and once again we also fought. It was about 2 years in this situation until my father learned to deal with the lack of alcohol.

But after these two difficult years of our relationship, he stopped it, you know? And we have our good relationship again. My father went through a bad time, I understood and I forgave him for it. He remains loving and is a amazing grandfather to my daughter.

Despite our difficult time, I have always seen my father as my hero and, undoubtedly, there is a lot of power in that.

Thank you for reminding me of this through your post.

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My father went through a bad time, I understood and I forgave him for it. He remains loving and is a amazing grandfather to my daughter.

Forgiveness benefits the forgiver, regardless of the situation or outcome. Glad you chose that route.

Glad your relationship with your father is back on solid footing and that he is able to be lovingly involved in your life and your daughter's!

Thanks for sharing.