Fear contradicts who you are

The belief that you are empty inside is a lie. You are not empty, but you may be fearful of this. You may be filled with fear and have developed this fear over time. Discard it immediately and you will be well set to manifest your desires.

When your desires are not being met or acted upon, fear takes over your inner core. As a result, you feel like there is no way to move forward with what you want to experience. This causes you to procrastinate, which further blocks you from acting. You can then begin to fill your mind with thoughts about how inadequate your self is in regard to these matters.

You need to make yourself believe that your desires are important. Your inner voice is your guidance system. The real you is not a part of the desires that are experienced. Your real self is full of courage, love, peace, contentment, joy, determination, creativity, perseverance, and faith.

It is important that you begin to act now on the inner level of your being so that these desires will materialize for you. This begins by filling your mind with positive thoughts about the success that you will experience. This involves your inner voice calling out to you, "I want to become a success." As you listen to this positive energy, this is your inner being giving you the encouragement, "I can do it!"

This is your desire fulfilled. However, desire alone is not enough. If you are using the desire to attract your desires, it must be acted upon. If your inner voice is saying, "Do not wait for my desire to materialize, I am filled with fear,"

You are filling your life with fearful desires that prevent you from attracting your inner being. If you desire to get a promotion or a new job, you will have to overcome your inner fears about success. Instead of getting excited about this possibility, you will fill your head with all kinds of worst-case scenarios about what will happen if you fail. This kind of thinking will keep you from acting on the inner desire to succeed.

The "inner voice" that fills your inner life is the same "inner voice" that warns you of all kinds of danger if you follow the advice it gives you. "If I do not act quickly, I will lose my job." "If I do not get this promotion, I will never get ahead in my career." These are all examples of the "fear voices" that are constantly ringing through your mind. They keep telling you that you should act this way, or you will suffer some terrible consequences. This is why you find yourself sabotaging your own dreams.

The solution to this problem is to fill your life with the kind of behaviors that make you feel confident and successful. Instead of filling your life with fears and negative behaviors, fill your life with positive behaviors such as taking action, setting goals, taking risks, and having courage. You will not only have more confidence, you will also be more fulfilled. This will set up your mind to attract the kind of things it wants.

Fill your mind with the knowledge that you are good enough and that no one can hurt you. Your inner voice will not allow you to wallow in fears. Give your fears some room. Fear is just an emotion that protects you from danger. Use it to protect yourself.

When you are faced with a fear, focus on all the good things that you can become from it. Do not think about the fear - just focus on the many wonderful things you can do when the fear is gone. You will be surprised by how easy it is to let your inner voice to guide you through fear. Once you do this, fear will seem less threatening.

Your real self is not filled with fear. Think about this as you go through each day. If your real self is not filled with fear, then the voice in your head will help guide you through the many fearful experiences life offers. When you can depend on the sound of your inner voice instead of the fear it reflects, then you will be able to let go of any fear in your life.

Posted via proofofbrain.io